Thursday, July 14, 2005

I picked myself up from everything people left me with last year. i told myself i wanted nothing of that to happen again because i needed to feel happier in school.

i tried. and i tried. and i tried.

but i failed, terribly. again.

"Feel happier..."
"Don't be so upset lah..."
"Talk to me if you need to..."
"Cheer up!..."

how much more stupid can these phrases get? don't even try saying them to a friend. because you're seen as ignorant, and lousy, and nonsensical. you don't know what's going on. you try to act smart, and you end up feeling all stupid.

and YES, you ARE ignorant. because half the time you don't know that everything is nothing but a pack of lies.

if you ever take pride or pleasure in making someone else feeling worse off, think again. in simple english, this is being extremely selfish, inconsiderate, unthoughtful and harmful.

quit trying... it's useless.

benny. on 10:56 PM

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