Tuesday, July 05, 2005

It's been a few days since i last typed an entry after the exams... so i thought i should do some updating, the tagboard's losing life!

I've been kinda ill ever since the chemistry and the maths papers on tuesday, having consistent eye aches and intermittent fevers. And so the doctor says "Benny, all you need is a good rest. let's see... you shall take the next 2 days off from school and sleep well at home. Let's all hope that this is a common viral fever, cos if you still feel too weak or tired to do anything after 2 full days of rest, then it's not so good....might require some blood test."

My goodness. BLOOD TEST. It's been so long since i last heard these 2 words. (recalling Dengue fever in primary 1). I remember vividly how that Tan Tock Seng doctor would threaten to put me on drips if i continued throwing out everything ive taken in; how the nurse would force me to eat fruit jelly cos i was too weak to eat anything else; how i broke the thermometer in the middle of the night cos my arm was too powerless to hold it in place; how i wished i could sleep and never wake up again cos it's SO painful... sigh. pray hard that it's not another one of those.

And the mid yr results are dashing at us with great force, like how the sodium ions would rush into the axoplasm during depolarisation, when the gated sodium channels open. Sadly, my seemingly (or self presumed) "best subject" which happens to spell B-I-O-L-O-G-Y, came back to me with nothing more than disapppointment. at least for paper 2. sigh~ and for chemistry and mathematics, it's almost hopeless i guess. Thankfully, something saved me from suicidal thoughts and that was Economics Paper 1 with a marked score of 25/30! **confetti*

and so, i spent my weekend fruitfully(ok not exactly) with some of the year 1s at suntec+marina. wasted time at swensens and had a whooping great time reliving my DDR days, only to realise how much stamina i've lost and how much i've deproved! i actually felt like puking after the 1st game, and had almost no energy to carry on playing. argh! i'm getting old. pictures soon to be posted, as long as i get them from huikoon.

and the wonderful youth day holiday was spent with my fellow, dearest yr 2 bandits. rickson, junyang, baolun, justin, juling and zheng hong! we had lunch at the marina square foodcourt, followed by games of pool and bowling at the newly developed entertainment storey @ marina. all that was followed by "Batman Begins", which happened to be quite a nice movie, apart from the fact that it had a really really long introduction. anyway, it was a really really fun day out. i wonder when's the next time we're gonna have an opportunity to go out like that again, throwing everything behind us and totally enjoying ourselves... sigh~

The five guys at the outing... from left to right: me, zheng hong, rickson, jun yang, justin...

And now with the girls Baolun and Juling in...

And this marks the start of a new school term, the end of long sleeps and periods of rest, the end of enjoyment. Term 3's gonna be the final lap to run before we arrive at the ultimate A levels. im definitely glad i've met these people in these 2 yrs of torturous education life... they've reduced the misery i would have faced.

Thank you...


Attention CCHSM Band Alumni: Pls do check http://cchsmalumniband.squarespace.com for updates on the first Alumni band meeting... as updated by Cheng Xi. =)

benny. on 8:17 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>