Friday, July 08, 2005

And it's my first day back at school after the 2 day MC, all's well and no signs of running a temperature, though i still have a slight eye ache around the ciliary muscles area. sigh. i'm glad it's not developing into any more post secondary symptoms of viral infection. and i certainly hope that im excused from the blood test already.

sat thru for the last hour of mjcsb's first rehearsal after the mid yr examinations and i thought "Noah's Ark" didnt really turn out that bad, considering the fact that they've had nothing but books and lecture notes for the past 3 weeks or so. i see the leaders trying their very best to keep the band together and getting everything started and going. not an easy job, i would say... so all the best to them =)

i realised that there are certain things, once they're gone, they're really gone. no matter how hard you try to get it back, how much effort you put in to salvage the situation, how often u try to re-enact the scenarios, how far you go to try to relive that kind of feeling and emotion, it will be to no avail. because people change, and people meet new people at different points of their lives. and at every point of their life, they feel strongly for different groups of people. and everytime they move to to a next point, it seems difficult to feel similarly strongly for the previous group of people. i wonder if life works this way... nevertheless, there's still a part of me that believes in something called initiative, and that initiative will keep people together.

these thoughts were really random... as i'm reduced to nothing but one who grumbles all day long about everything and anything. hmmm i shall quote somethin from my previous blog someday and expand on it. but it all seems so meaningless now...

benny. on 10:32 PM

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