Saturday, June 18, 2005

ah. i thought i should just blog about mjcsb's second farewell bbq yesterday... was a lil too tired to post last night. so here goes..

First of all, three cheers for the Executive Committee 2005-2006 cos they've put in a GREAT DEAL of effort in planning this awesome farewell gathering... it was definitely a great success. oh, and not forgetting the really really sweet Certificate of Honorary Mention.. wow! haha.

shall not fill in the nitty gritty details of the whole bbq... apart from the very nicely barbequed food, i had a great time talking and gossiping with AGA (again) as well as the juniors.. felt kinda sad cos it's like we wont really have many of such chances to do this again.. no more excuses to stay out late cos of band pracs, no more hang-outs cos i'll need to spend time on preparing for the dreaded A levels... no more daily dosage of "bunnyhorse! you dun act cute ah!" from ms sia, no more "exco! meeting now ah.. hurry hurry, inside!" from joel... sigh!

then again, all good things must come to an end. [and bad things never seem to end that quickly]

an attempt to do a quick memory flashback now would give the following:
-"Band Number 4.... Meridian Junior College.... GOLD!"
-"YAY!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" *hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs*
-"Eh dance lah! please...?! ok if i guess your chinese name correctly you dance ok?" -huikoon
-"Nonsense lah!... *bish, smack your face"-sarah
-"Aiya die lah, see liao(die already) this time..AC only got gold! how how.."-siok wei
-"Eh, practise circle of fourths now ok?..u play with me.. ready.. 1...2...3...4..." -dawn
-"If you all find it funny, you all can jolly well get out of this room!" -justin
-"Ah.. no lah no lah! (sacarstically)" -rickson
-"....make me lose my breast" -jun yang on some song
-"wah... sss.... stress..." -xuanwei
-"Last night.... while we were all asleep... russel see-toh was murdered........disembodied kidney..."-joel on dial m for murder game briefing
-"Russel see-toh.. isit from F maths?"-zheng hong
-"Thanks lah." -kin lok
-"Or either way, we can play a mystery solving kind of game?" -fuquan during band camp preparation meeting
-"Juxtapose will be a successful concert.." -weejuay
-"Gold with honours lah! why gold only?"-vincent wang on our first exco meeting, when listing the goals of the band

these are jus some random thoughts that happened to show up now. obviously, if i were to list every bit of my memory blogspot would prob have to shut down cos of lack of server space. would try to do so tho, sometime after mid yr exams. a tribute to everyone in the band, again. a longer, more serious one to show my appreciation.

anyway, just before i sign off, would wanna thank junyang for his really really sweet gift. and poor xuanwei, who had to do stuff for all of us in the section. the badge thing he gave us was really really really really really really nice. it's simple, meaningful but brought back EVERYTHING in my memory. haha! i think ive understood what my art teacher in sec 2 used to say... "simplicity takes on the most sophisticated form of wonder". true, and thanks to xuanwei. you're such a nice junior...

anticipating: mid yr exams.

3 cheers to the current exco again~ =D the band's in good hands.

benny. on 11:42 PM

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