Friday, July 22, 2005

Been quite a few days since i last wrote an entry! and so since it's the beginning of a fruitful weekend (ie a friday night), i thought i'd just drop by to do an update. well technically speaking, i should be burying myself into structure of the placenta, the mammalian menstrual cycle, flowering plants, numerical methods, macroeconomic policies and problems, and perhaps biochemistry. but well, a little rest aint detrimental to my revision schedule...yeah right. denial.

it's been a torturing few days, trying to keep up with tutorials and the revision schedule at the same time, which apparently is not workin out for me. as the whole world gets hyped up about the nearing GCE 'A' Level examinations, i'm beginning to feel the pressure on me to really start studying. sigh. i seriously need to realise that my life, yes my whole life's gonna probably be affected by this very A level results. but as always, no amount of awareness seems to be able to overthrow procrastination.

But this is what ms choo(my temporary civics tutor) wrote on my mid yr result report: Benny is a sensible young man who has a positive work attitude. He now needs to intensify his efforts, consolidate his learning and reprioritise to spend his time more wisely. He has the potential to excel and must now find it within himself to make that commitment to work towards success.

What a nice way to put things! she made it sound like there's still hope. maybe there is... yup. there is, as long as i put in a bit of effort everyday to step up my revision. =)

ive kinda run out of things to blog about already. maybe i should turn into A levels mode and go into a hiatus like what all my seniors seem to have done during their A levels period.

sometimes it's really amazing how a god given thing like "feelings" let human beings enjoy the many many moments of happiness in life, making life so much more meaningful. but it's also this very same thing, "feelings", that seems to be the reason for human beings' emotional suffering, and ultimate pain and misery. who said life doesn't turn out to be like tv serials? it's almost as dramatic, i.m.o... interesting how life becomes drama-mama.

i hope a junior of mine's feeling alright from all that depression.

i hope fabian's feeling better now... he must be really stressed out by everything from mid yrs to council to band to class.

"Band Number 4.......Meridian Junior College......GOLD!"

Work hard, benny.

benny. on 9:07 PM

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