Sunday, February 11, 2007
SAF Bands 13th Anniversary Dinner

The SAF Bands 13th Anniversary Dinner was quite a successful one, though there were some inevitable hiccups along the way especially at the beginning of the dinner. SATISFACTION! But I'm thankful for a group of very talented people, for their absence would mean the failure of this event.
Azhar and Sherman were the perfect people to be the night's Masters of Ceremony. Their reactions to situations off stage were superbly quick.
And then there's Khairul, who has event management at his fingertips. Without him, stuff would've started collapsing along the way.
There's Staff Tham, who remained calm throughout the dinner, despite his numerous claims that he would burst out screaming at people. His cool-headedness got everything in place smoothly.
And 2WO Goh and LTA Aik Kee, who were the Chairmen who made major decisions.
And many other people from Band B. The recorders, the finale dancers, fatigue, decoration, prizes etc etc.

Point is, it's FINALLY OVER. It's been a gruelling couple of months since i sat before 2WO Goh to discuss the initial plans for this event. Day after day, my common hangout was the Band office. And my only friend was the Office standalone computer. Stress, tension, and the urgency to get many things done surrounded me daily. I missed out on alot with my gang. I missed not only the resting periods, but also the training periods. I missed many breakfast sessions with them, many trumpet quartet sessions, many brass quintet sessions and many LowerLounge sessions.
Cheers, it's back to normal life now and I'm back to my friends. I hope they're still there for me, and I hope the distance never grew bigger since I "left" the group for DnD...

Some people to thank, on a personal level:
Zhenhua, Zhongwei, Yiming, Joel, Paul, Farhan: for their commitment to making the recorder performance such a special and memorable one. I'm glad we worked together cos we made each other better friends.

Fuquan, Rickson: for your undying understanding and support. And for always being there for me when I need to whine. For being my dearest fellow Meridians.
Dean,Khairul: for being with me as the lonely 3 Lance Corporals in the Committee. For supporting each other all the time. For understanding.
I hope nothing has changed! And I hope i wont be involved in organising such a big event again. It's really tiring. For now, I'll wait for the incentive offs to be creditted into my account. SOME PICTURES!

From the left, Joel, Zhong Wei, Zhen Hua, Yiming.
That's Dean beside me.

This is me with Farhan.Me with Fuquan and Rickson.

Me with Weekiat and Junyang.

Me with Hong Jun Yang.

Me with Senior Director of Music, MAJ Philip Tng
Me with Band B Director of Music, LTA Aik Kee and Mrs.

Batch 68, SAF Bands! with extras: Lin Wei (clerk), Keith (musician) on the leftSAF BAND B @ 13th Anniversary Dinner 2007 =)


benny. on 3:25 PM

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