Sunday, December 24, 2006
Blogging in CHINA

Blogging in China! Woah this Holiday Inn thing really not bad. There's internet access in the hotel room. Above all, it's FREE OF CHARGE.

It's FREAKING cold here. With temperature ranging from -10 to about 0 degrees celcius. I'm now at Shenyang City of the Liaoning Province. And i'm heading towards Harbin City. The next stopping point is the Chang Chun City. And it's said that the temperature will keep falling, from here to Harbin, with Harbin's temperature as low as -28 degrees celcius. Gosh. And i'm already wearing 4 layers of clothes now.

It wasn't exactly an exciting trip so far, mostly due to the kind of people i'm with on this journey. They're neither my friends, nor my mates. They're my parents' church friends. And i'm really not into saying grace and all. No offence to the Christians, but yeah, that's how i feel cos this group of people are REALLY hard core ones.

The food sucks. Period. Restaurant meals. But they serve the SAME THINGS.

Maybe i'll upload the whole itinerary with some pictures when i'm back. Meanwhile, I really wished i was spending Christmas, and going to spend New Year with my friends and batchmates back in Singapore. I feel so handicapped here. A little lonely.

So here's a Merry Christmas to everyone i know, flown back from China to Singapore. This entry written 30 minutes before the clock strikes 12. Happy Eve!

benny. on 11:12 PM

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