Sunday, December 17, 2006
of chicken little and the new year.

I'll title this entry Of Chicken Little and the New Year.

I guess i've yet to whine about my recent encounter with chicken little. No, but yeah, but no, but yeah but no it's not that chicken little. He's not a chicken per se. Nor is he little. He's really out of proportion. I meant his body. If i could put up a picture of him here, I would gladly do so. But my camera burst upon several attempts of trying to get his picture. Now who says non-living things don't have emotions.

Well, he has a REALLY REALLY REALLY big head, or so he himself claims. Which er, is pretty much a public fact. Hmmm. Terribly lousy eyes, and an extremely flexible neck that goes poking everywhere. You know, like the way a chicken pecks around for food. Yeah that's it. C'mon let's picture that scene.

There, i knew you'll get it.

So. He's been annoying! He did things to me. Really stupid things. That got Benny's fellow mates angry. I heard everyone else hates him. Too bad. Only the chickens love him. Aye, there's been too much ill discipline going on around him cos he thinks he's really powerful~

Whoever knows me in my immediate life now should know Chicken Little. Infamous, aint he?

Nuff said bout that biatch. It irks me to destroy this whole cutsey image of C.L. Sorry Disney. Anyway, i guess this is goin to be my last entry of the year. I'll be leavin soon enough for my block leave, and will be back when the new year comes.

It's been a really tiring year. Loadsa things goin on. I have much to say to my friends, be it the ones i still see everyday, or the ones i've almost lost contact with. I'll try my best to get em done. I hope 2007 proves to be a brand new start for all of us, for me especially, to learn, again. To learn many things. To be more sensitive, more understanding, less noisy.

Apologies, to all i've offended in the past year. I know, on many accounts, I was at fault, directly or indirectly. So here's a sincere 2006 SORRY. Er, not to C.L. cos i dont think i offended him in any fucking way.

Oops. Less vulgarities too. I'll try to be nicer to everyone.

I only want a few things for christmas this year. Less misunderstandings. I hope we'll all be more open with things. I hope we wont need to pass messages of unhappiness across a middle man again. I hope we'll be like how we used to be back in school. It's pretty much the same, cos we're all still workin together, and workin towards the same date. OK FINE not the same date. I mean, the DATE. I want to forget the difficult things that i'm not prepared to deal with.

I want my friends back.

I want a memory refresher.

Tiring is an understatement. Painful is the precise description.

Maybe this won't be the last entry of the year after all. If ive anythin to add i'll type another one. Meanwhile, merry christmas to everyone. =)

benny. on 11:16 PM

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