Thursday, September 07, 2006

I'm not a perfect person, far from it actually. Sometimes I do things that I dont know why I do. It's some form of habit acquired through days of putting on a strong front before people.

But i think tolerance is something that's really really difficult to learn, let alone master. Tolerance for different principles that people around you live by, tolerance for mistakes, tolerance for difference in lifestyles and habits. It's almost impossible to squeeze a whole group of people under one roof without a single bit of unhappiness going on somewhere. Some people perceive certain procedures as important, while others don't. Some think it's fun to engage in a certain kind of activity, while others may find it annoying. Some think it's worth putting in efforts, while others think it's a total waste of time.

But I think it just takes a little effort from everyone, maybe a little more from those who live very very strongly by certain principles in life, to put down their habits and try to embrace the whole act of living under one roof. It can be fun, OR sour.

I need to reflect. I sort of contribute to this whole tension of living together under one roof. Cos I don't have the consistent habit of thinking before i speak.

I apologise.

benny. on 8:37 PM

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