Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I just dropped by bassoon Eugene's blog, and saw his latest entry, dated 5th of March 2006. So the first thought that i had was "why so unupdated? terrible. tsk. i go blog reading but no one updates. so irritating." Then i clicked on on a link on Eugene's blog that says "Benny" . Once the page has loaded, i came across the greatest irony ever. Benny's latest entry was dated 4th of March 2006. Hurhur.

I'm at my favourite place for studying now - Pacific Coffee @ Terminal 1, Departure Hall, West Wing, with zy and pok, ie lovebirds. So im situating myself away from them so i wont be lightbulbing. Ah well, i was supposed to come for lunch with them, and then go home and continue with Maple Story. But i thought i'd better stay here and read up my Advanced Theory of Driving and prepare for the test before Mr Ng (my driving instructor) screams at me again. I constantly forget to check my blind spots everytime i turn my car. I'd have enough attempts to fail a life worth of driving tests.


That shall be my favourite book for the next 1 month before the test.

AND so i heard Kong Hwa School called me up this morning to ask me to be a relief teacher in their school for like 3 days. For one minute i was SO happy cos finally, there's someone who wants me to teach. And so she(the khs rep, whoever she is) told me everything i had to bring on my first day for verification. And then i agreed to everything and then she said something that shattered that short lived happiness.

"Err, oh yes. You will be teaching PE and English. Primary 6! you cant just do away with stupid ball games and all. you've got to know how to do real stuff."

HA HA HA! Goodness gracious! PE! P.E. as in Physical Education! I didnt know they allow obese people to be PE Teachers. Ok fine, she didnt know that i was obese.

Sigh. So i told her i wasnt familiar with teaching PE, and when she asked, I said i was overweight.

That's it. She said she'll call me back if she needs an academic teacher.

If only I was 50kg lighter. Then maybe i can pose of as a PE teacher.

Damn. Things just don't happen the way you want them to.

benny. on 3:47 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>