Tuesday, January 31, 2006

i don't mean to paint a gloomy picture of cny2006 with all that festive spirit going on around me. but. chinese new year, so far, had been disappointing. sadly, i enjoyed less than a fifth of everything since the eve of this lunar new year. twice in a row, i was made to attend something or go somewhere i didnt like to or want to go. and i was made to stay. pardon me for the incoherence of this entry.

reunion dinner. to me, for the past 18 years of my life, it's always been having steamboat with my paternal cousins at my paternal grandparents' place. we'll be sitting down at the dining table, with the steamboat, talking about everything under the sun. then we'll have desert and drinks, and play cards. this year however, i had to spend it with my MATERNAL cousins and THEIR maternal cousins and aunts and uncles and everyone else whom ive probably never seen before in my life. i left my paternal grandparents at home with all the food they've prepared. it PAINS me at the thought of it. and frankly, im tonnes closer to my paternal cousins. they're VERY apparently nicer pple.

then came day 1. visiting used to be something i'd really look forward to. it used to mean meeting all my cousins and aunts and uncles at my paternal grandparents' place, sitting down together for lunch in our nice new clothing, talking away, chatting and catching up on stuff we've missed in the past year. we'll play cards, talk bout band, and talk about stuff we can all talk about. no S papers, no achievements, nothing. just family. BUT. this year, im really really disappointed. i had to rush from place to place. my family went early to offer greetings to my paternal grandparents, and we left like shortly after. i havent even caught sight of my cousins. then we left for my maternal grandma's. and the same thing happened. reason: my mother was rushing for the chinese new yr church service at indoor stadium. (no offence, christian friends). i was really reluctant to go cos i really am NOT into it. i wanted to get back to my grandparents' to meet my cousins up again. but my mother made me attend it. and that took away my entire afternoon + evening of the first day.

but the pastor (joseph prince) was undoubtedly impressive.

the night. the night i enjoyed. the night i enjoyed was as short as the time it takes for a bee to flap it's wings once. i met my cousins up at my aunt's place. and finally got to talk crap and play cards. but only for the miserable 3 hours. then i got home. maplestory was my next best companion. (okay whatever)

day 2. again. rushing from house to house. paternal, then maternal aunt. but i enjoyed my evening from 6 to about 9.30. cos i met up with long lost huifen, junwei, quanming, xiufeng and kailing! and of course, xiufeng's andrew and kailing's terence. it's been so long. we had a really good chat and many laughing sessions. we had mahjong. we had the fun long gone before.

but my mum wanted me at her best friend's place right after my dinner at kailing's. so i went. and i waited in extreme boredom as they first had their fellowship. and then gossiping session. and then bible studies. and then gossiping session again. i felt redundant there. i waited there for a solid 2 and a half hours doing nothing. it's not like im interested in playin with the kids there. they're all below half my age. or even one-third of my age. so i asked what time we could go. and my mum got pissed off.

why? cos she was enjoying herself. and i suggested that i went home first. and she said i was rude to the owner, ie her best friend. and she said i was childish, and she said i didnt know manners. and she said i shouldnt pull a long face AT ALL cos i was in the fault. and yes, that WAS a scolding on the way back home. excellent. on the second day of chinese new year.

i've no idea why i landed myself into such a terrible chinese new year this time. probably gotta do with growing up. things just don't fall in place like it used to. it seems like a really depressing start to everything that's coming. i hope it's not a bad omen that shows something like... err.. my A level results are gonna be screwed? *TOUCHES ALL THE WOOD IN THE WORLD* maybe this is all the bad luck i'll rcv for the coming year. hopefully.

im goin visiting with the juniors tmr. and im hoping that it's going to be enjoyable.

happy cny, nevertheless, to everyone. good luck for the A level RESULTS to my batchmates, and good luck for the A level EXAMS for my juniors. yeah. till again!

i'm apologetic. really... but there are things i must express.

benny. on 1:16 AM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>