Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Aaaah. it's CHINESE NEW YEAR SOON! Sorry for the LOOOOOONG break and thanks to all those who have been coming here regularly to check for updates. Life since that week after new year's day had been in a rush, with me looking for jobs day in day out, taking up short term temps and all. So i've been kinda occupied with stuff everyday and i really don't have the mood to type when i get home.

I decided to just log in to clear some cobwebs today cos huijun said it's COBWEBS HQ! Thanks alot huijun, you're such a nice friend. really, i mean, you're so nice to say that my blog's become cobwebs HQ. THANKS AH. THANKS~

so. updates! mjcsb alumni is on the way. college has granted us miraculous access on saturdays into campus WITHOUT a teacher around! so im gathering response now together with juling, rickson and baolun. hope it works out well cos ms lai's lookin forward to the alumni band performing for Joie De Vivre II (YES IT'S A TWO!).

so i heard half the world's in NS already. in a matter of another 4 or 5 weeks it's gonna be another batch of friends enlisting. rickson and i will be about the last 2 to enter NS. urh. and we're juniors in terms of knowledge regarding army stuff.

i'm meeting up my long lost j3 gang this friday for a CNY pot luck gathering! finally. it's been thousands of years since i last saw dawn and siokwei, joel, zhenghong, junyang and the rest of my aga peeps! missing them loads and i really wanna take the chance to catch up with all of them again. they're all either working now or serving the nation, and from day to day, it's almost impossible to meet them up. special people! special memories, special gathering this friday. yay.

i've been meeting up with the juniors for dinner every now and then... hopefully it's not a futile attempt to keep in touch with them. they're all so busy with work now! and the things they talk about now are increasingly sounding like greek to me. maybe it's a senior thing. i guess distance and frequency of contact really makes a difference. oh well but i'm trying my best. sigh...

i'm missing school. i miss the days where i didnt have to worry about adult travel fares, about whether my boss will pay me on time, about whether i was doing a good job, about making mistakes and about being fired cos of reporting late for work. i miss the days where mistakes can be forgiven, help and guidance is at always available whenever i needed them, where i could just spend my life worrying about the next oganic chemistry test, or thinking about which lecture to pon. i miss the days where i could see my friends from day to day, meet them up for recess or lunch, go out and have fun after school, drop by the band room as and when we wanted. i miss the days where tutors used to go "you have no right to a life now. A levels is your life." i miss the days where i had to recite the definition of catalysts with jiayan along the corridors.

this is ironic. im but into my 2nd month since i graduated from mjc. but ive already realised how honeymoon-like school life is. setting aside exams and academic pressure, everything else about school is better than being in the real society. things are harsh and people don't really care. parents' letters are nonsense, a call with a dumb excuse is useless against ur boss, and all that counts is punctuality and impression.

im beginning to get tired of all these running around. when's NS coming?

till again...

benny. on 11:08 PM

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