Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year to all! It's finally 2006, and it's finally time for a long long entry.

Spending the last few hours of 2005 together with fabian, sarah yap, zhengyi, kenny, sookun, pok, donovan, xuanwei, rickson, juling and zhenghong at bed0k reservoir was amazing. It was our own little countdown, with nothing more than pizzas, a few bottles of drinks, and sparklers. It wasn't crowded and noisy and happening, nor was there loud music and deejays. It was just us, and us alone, at the top of that little hill by bedok reservoir. Thanks guys, it was yet another magical night.

2005 had been an extremely eventful year for me. I've so much to write, but i don't know where to start. The recollections and memories of this past year, is overwhelming. They're just like vivid figures rushing thru my mind.

Band camp version 1 & Dial M for Murder had to be one of the most fulfilling things ive ever done in my life. I'll never ever forget that sense of satisfaction, seeing bonds form, and seeing the band becoming one big family. That was when i first felt the satisfaction of being in charge of welfare.

Then came SYF, the most magical moment of my life with mjcsb. The spirit was just amazingly high, and for the very first time, i felt love in mjcsb. I felt like everyone was suddenly connected in some way or another. The most glorious day it shall remain, in mjcsb's history.

Then there was the genting trip, the international band competition. "Emotional rollercoaster" would have been the best words to describe the log of feelings we have experienced throughout the trip. It peaked during the day of the competition. Everyone became everyone else's friends, and they hugged and consoled each other regardless of who it was. The band did well, but everyone was together, feeling the same disappointment with regards to the technical glitch. It was wonderful. The standard of the food served up there aside, the trip was a marvellous one.

My JC life has officially ended(hopefully), and the 2 years, though filled with hardship and terrible school days, had undoubtedly been really happening and meaningful. I could never describe how i feel about all the people i've met in these 2 years. They're the best people around, really. That said, i've a few groups of people whom which i want to express my gratitude towards.

Firstly, my MJCSB clique - AGA. Dawn, Siok Wei, Rickson, Baolun, Fuquan, Eugene, Juling, Joel, Zheng Hong, Meng Yang, Puileng, Jun Yang, Justin. Without them, i seriously wonder if i could even last through JC1. Without the daily dosage of gossiping sessions, crappy dinners and outings, mutual encouragement and helping each other with work, JC life would have been alot less meaningful. You guys are the best people around, and I really hope that we will keep in touch for as long as we can! How I miss those after band times, the steamboat dinner at my place during CNY, and the many many magical moments we all shared. Thanks to all of you. Steamboat dinner again for CNY this year? =)

Secondly, my MJCSB Junior Clique - ATP. Huikoon, Sarah, Sookun, Tsz Yan, Paulina, Kin Lok, Fabian, Kenny, Xuanwei, Donovan, Zhengyi, Yosua. These people made my JC2 year a whole lot more worth living. They're the craziest bunch of juniors you can EVER see. You pple have played a huge role, and made a difference in my life. It's really been enjoyable hanging out with u pple. I dont' know how nice a senior i've been to all of you, but thanks ALOT ALOT for everything you all have done. Do study hard! and remember to keep in touch with me. Love you pple loads... i'll miss you all so much.

Thirdly, MJCSB 2nd Executive Committee (inclusive of Dial M Comm). Joel, Vincent, Weejuay, Justin, Eugene, Baolun, Fuquan. You guys have been wonderful work partners, and i'm really glad we worked together to achieve what we set out to do. Thanks alot for everything, because from each and everyone of you, i learnt things that i never knew. It was really pleasant, and i'm still upset that we didnt take enough exco pictures while we were still in office...shall we go out again?

Fourthly, MJCSB - Refined Ladies' Association and friends. Weekiat, Geraldine, Xiaojun and everyone else... These people make my life complete! They've been valuable teamplayers and nice bitching partners too. Thanks alot!

Then comes the 04S203 civics group mates. They're the people i see everyday. They're the people who tide thru the hard times of incomplete tutorials and failing tests with me, and they're a wonderful group of classmates. I miss the crazy Jiayan with all that daily episode of chinese and canto lessons, and memorising why transition elements are coloured along the corridors. I miss GuanZhen and our gay "bye bye" waves. I miss them all, I miss class!

Great 2005 year, i think. Although there were emotional downs. Also in this year, many things have changed. Interpersonal relations became a whole lot more complex, and there're are increasingly many things that people don't see. Things are in actual fact, becoming more complicated than they actually look. And once again, it feels to me as if i'm done with one phase of life. And the people, the friendships forged, will disappear from now on. It feels as if i've done my part to chain everyone up in this process, then i stay to watch how it happens, and i stay alone.

Sigh. i better snap out of it before i become all melancholic again. Deep down, i'm experiencing pretty complex emotions about everything that has happened. mildly depressed, yet glad. I've no idea why. It's a tinge of jealousy, a tinge of disappointment, a tinge of sadness and a tinge of hopelessness and loss all mixed together.

Some beautiful moments of year 2005:




These few for now i guess, hopefully i'll bother to post more pictures up! Keep in touch my friends! Till again...

benny. on 2:45 PM

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