Saturday, January 07, 2006

Time really flies. It's been almost a week since I spent new year's eve at bedok reservoir. Sigh. The world is coming to a standstill, with me still suffering from search unemployment, my friends all going out to work or have already pledged to serve the country, as well as the juniors going back to school to begin the hectic A level preparation year. It's getting quieter. And i'm beginning to feel empty all over again...

It seems like looking through the collection of pictures I have in the computer is able to provide momentary happiness, as i enjoy the sweet reminiscence of the past. I thought i'd just share it here, because these pictures captured the some of the most beautiful moments that made my life complete.

MJCSB @ Genting Highlands

There were many more pictures, of course. but i didnt have the patience of uploading everyone single one of them.

I've been so preoccupied with everything since A levels ended. and i sorta forgot bout some people who were always around me all this while. Leo, Huijun, and Tiffany. My CCHS pals. I'm feeling supa bad about not bidding leo goodbye for his 2 weeks confinement in the land of sweat and wild boars. Sorry mate! I'll make up for it with a meal on ur bookout day. Huijun! you're so like my sista. It's been 2 years since we graduated, and though we didnt speak to each other very often, i don't feel distant to you at all! DINNER sometime! and Tiffany, without her daily dosage of whining and paranoid phone calls during A levels, i think i would've died halfway thru the battle. Yeap! good luck to you and me, for finding a job. and kudos to us, for passing our BTT. nothing great actually. but we didnt really study, remember? =)

that's all for now i guess. will try harder the next time. posts are getting really less and less juicy nowadays.

plans for mjc alumni band are initiated. i hope it materialises.

till again!

benny. on 7:27 PM

<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>