Tuesday, June 07, 2005

just came back from cchs band camp, and yeap. was supposedly going to sleep cos i lost sleep for the entire night. was talkin to long lost lianwei, quanming and chun kiat... oh well, but decided to do some blog reading instead, and read thru XUAN WEI'S, HUI KOON'S, SOO KUN'S, and WEE KIAT'S blogs, all describing the adventure-filled yesterday. so i thought i shall dedicate my thoughts as well...!

woot. yesterday, xuanwei, huikoon and sookun actually skipped lectures in the afternoon just for the seemingly long-anticipated "School Tour Series". was so exciting, as we started off from MJC and headed for TKGS. the walk in TKGS was so darn cool, cos the entire campus just feels so "demure & resolute", tho on the contrary to certain girls she produces (eg huikoon). seriously, the campus is basically centered on the Circular Block with loads and loads of rooms including the library, band room, music rooms, and ms sia's band office(Wow). oh, and the "old oak doors", as xuanwei puts it, as well as the red doormats outside every entrance/door makes the school look really really classy and elegant. also, the million and one pianos placed all over the place makes the school feel really pleasant, musical, and art-oriented. hah! everything was cool about TKGS, except that weird "i shouldnt be here" feeling, probably due to the strong oestrogen/progesterone presence. haha! TKGS Spirit~

and next was my dearest alma mater--CCHSM. weekiat joined us and we walked the long route into the estate, where my school is situated. they were generally awed by the magnificent presence of the campus and all the buildings, esp the admin block, as i brought them on a tour around the detention gallery, the offices, archive, grandstand, conference rooms. then, i briefly brought them through the technical block and the canteen+hall block, followed by the old classroom block. lastly, as huikoon has described it, the highlight of the tour in cchsm was the old CCA block. i brought them to the old deserted bio lab where the specimens were, and where the bats inhabited. 1 hour, we took. hah. shall not ring on and on cos it's pointless...the tour made me realise how much i've missed all this while in jc... sigh~ Today, you are proud of Chung Cheng. Tomorrow, Chung Cheng will be proud of you. but we have a good balance of yin and yang tho. =D

lastly, at like really really evening time, we went to visit Victoria School, henceforth referred to as VS. obviously, the guides for the VS tour were xuanwei and weekiat. it felt less uncomfortable cos it's like a testosterone inhabited school. the grand foyer was really small but magnificent, and the walk below the foyer was like some hotel lobby, really cool. but the beauty of the campus lies within the hidden architecture. my first impression was--"HOGWARTS". Stairs and connectors, pathways and corridors are EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE. the hall built at some unexpected place, making it look ultra ultra cool. and there are LIFTS mind you. the sea view from the classrooms at the 7th story were magnificent. and the coolest is that long pond thing that runs in the spine of the campus. deep within the heart of VS. haha. (i sound like im the designer trying to promote it). it was overwhelming, so much so that i really cant recall how it all went. my reactions to the campus was just spontaneous. oh, one more thing i remember. storey 5 assembly plaza-- Nil Sine Labore.

but nothing was thrilling until the end, as all movies are. we were locked up inside the campus, and the ground floor was so near yet so far. we were just one flight of stairs away from the ground. but the shutter was down, exactly at 7pm. and then we actually had to jump off the parapet at the stairway like about 2+ metres high. hah~ i conquered it, despite initial fears of shattering bones. never in my life, ive done anything of this sort cos cchs was never locked until the caretaker goes around checking for remaining souls. and so did huikoon and sookun and weekiat and xuanwei, they all jumped off the parapet. nothing to xuanwei i guess, he's such an experienced victorian. minor abrasions on my cheek. dah~

and so that ended the "School Tour Series" of this Marine Parade-Katong area secondary schools. was really fun and exciting, literally. got to learn so much more bout each other's schools. a kind of bonding i guess? a step towards making closer friends, sharing pieces of our memories with everyone.. wouldnt mind having it again, be it touring the same schools or not. heh.

ah, good things don't come alone. i had to end up climbing the school gate to get into cchs in the middle of the nite last night cos we sneaked out for supper and came back only to face the LOCKED school gate, and the teacher in charge fast asleep. ;D that's climbing across or over stuff twice in a day.

I hope xuanwei, huikoon, sookun and weekiat had fun. cos i did.

Check back.

benny. on 9:31 AM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>