Friday, November 05, 2004

Not really in the mood to blog properly now but yah i thought i'd juz sae some of my thoughts.

Anyway, before i go on, yesterday was so freakin fun cos after Project Work Oral Presentation Assessment in school (which marks the end of the year long Pre-University Project Work Examintaion), i went out with tiff and gerald tan. boo! The Chung Cheng High and Tanjong Katong ex kiddos!~!

We wanted to have a sweet reminiscence of the past, of Katong food, of Katong LAKSA.... again, i got so reminded of all the times. sigh. den to parkway at MOS, sat down over a cuppa milk tea and we crapped for a straight 5 hours. lol.


Just went around reading lots of blogs, those whose bloggers i know, and those whose bloggers i do not know. spent the last 2 odd hours doing it since i woke up. i juz wondered how some pple are so scary on the inside... they could look very simple and extremely friendly but on the inside, lots of thoughts are running through their minds. they seem to compromise with everyone at that point of time, but deep inside, they think otherwise. they think that whatever others are doing are a total waste of minutes, are a total waste of THEIR minutes, are a total underutilisation of THEIR talents. scary. too deep to know what they are thinking about at any point of time. hence, they pour out everything on their blogs. and readers freak out about how un-simple they are. if only they say their thoughts out. it could be constructive for all we know. but keeping things to themselves aint going to help anything. it'll just further segregate themselves from the rest of the community.

also, these people seem to make me feel like they somehow look down on everyone else except the place that they came from, that they once belonged. they believe that many principles could only be understood by pple of their species, by people who come from that place he came from. and no one else from elsewhere (possibly did not achieve as much as theirs did) would understand any of the profound theories. however, it seems like these people do not actually know alot. they deem themselves as knowing alot, but often forget that those that they deem they know must be built on many fundamental principles or even theories before they can be functional.

claiming that you know alot won't work. cos there's always someone else WITHIN YOUR COMMUNITY who is more knowledgable than you. claiming that only people of your species can understand theories and knowledge and profound principles won't work as well. cos if that thought and ideology continues, the rest of the community will come to understand as much as your species does. momentary achievements dun really mean anything. it's constant achievements that show what you do. not achieving also doesnt mean anything, it's what you do in hope that you achieve that actually matters. if you derive happiness in working hard, you feel the spirit of people around you supporting you, working with you towards a goal, that's all that matters. not the final product, not a final result. if you only think about what are the techniques to apply and use in order to achieve the best results, then you are merely a goal achiever. not at all a good team player, not one who cares about the process and the lessons learnt. in that case, if your end product ever fails, you'll realise that you've learnt NOTHING at all in the process of doing your end product.

i will say this to insult you openly. yes, you were once a leader so whatever you said are widely believed and followed. i'm telling you now that I KNOW MORE THAN YOU even if we're purely based on paper qualifications. so stop bragging about how much people of your species know and others don't or will never understand. stop hiding your inner thoughts and stop acting like you're okay with everything. it's nonsense. NONSENSE!!! shut up.


sorry if this entry doesnt make sense cos YES i am talking about a particular person. it's okay. dun think that im talking about you(whoever reads this entry, haha!) ... yah it's no one close to me, no one in the compounds i am in everyday.

cherios. check back soon.

benny. on 9:41 AM

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