Friday, October 22, 2004
The world is unfair.

The promos period is seemingly over but seriously to many, it isnt.

"The war cries are over. Now all you hear is music. Music of the dead..."

True isn't it? What the promotional exams left us with was a whole lot of students who didnt meet the promotional criteria, who face the fate of being expelled or retained (for that matter retaining is a luxury). These students are not just students, nor just staff members who can be fired by Chairman Lai, but our friends, our fellow band members, schoolmates, classmates who once shared fun and laughter, sadness and tears together with us, who once stood by us when we were feeling the JC blues, who were always there when we needed them.

"We only learn to treasure people around us when we are about to lose them..."

Indeed. In a matter of weeks we'll no longer see many familiar but really nice faces around in the college campus anymore. In a matter of weeks someone who always sat beside you for lectures and tutorials automatically would suddenly disappear and that seat by your side would feel so empty. In a matter of weeks you might no longer see the people you used to hang around with during recess or lunch or free periods anymore. In a matter of weeks i'll be losing some of my closest band mates. In a matter of weeks MJC band will be shrunk to a pathetic number. All these, the result of tough papers and strict marking with probably minimal moderation.

For months and weeks I saw my fellow Meridians mugging their lives away, slogging their guts out just for the monstrous promotional examinations. They booked tutors for consultations way before the consultation slot; they attempted ten year series questions right after completing tutorials; they stayed back in college everyday till 9 odd 10 to study; they cleared every single doubt they had regarding the subject content; they learnt a lesson from the mid year exams... But were not given a chance to promote, not even a decent result that they deserved. Some cried. Some woke up finally and realised that they've wasted 1 year in a place that they shouldnt be in. Some resigned to their fate cos they've got to report for national service next year. Some just ended up in a terrifying daze.

The people who couldnt make it aint the only people who are miserable.

But then again, there are people who did not deserve to promote but want so much to promote. These people are a buncha shitified assholes who are not worth feeling sad for. They failed promos marginally, and blamed everything from the college to the tutors for not giving them that extra mark so they could pass. They blame their CTs for not putting in a good word for them to the promotional board. They blame tutors for being biased. They blame tutors for marking strictly. Everything they blame, except themselves who did not in the first place, go the distance to try to achieve what they want. Shameless.


Have they known how much close friendship they'll be taking away from us? How much life they'll be taking away from us? How many important things that colour our lives they'll be taking away from us?

I doubt they do. and will never, i guess.

benny. on 10:52 PM

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