Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I had a long long talk with k-l-s on the phone 2 nights back. i think its the first time im on the phone with her since we knew each other during 1st 3 months. she's always the strong leader, the cheerful individual, the brave warrier, the outgoing bubbly personality, the person full of smiles. but she was so sad. she broke with her man cos of something she did to hurt him so deeply, and she just wants to save him from all the hurt and pain so she left him.

talked alot though, in my attempt to cheer her up. talked bout our secondary school lives, our friends and encounters.

just hope she's alright now. i think she is!


Oh. i so miss power rangers. went on kha's blog and saw those power rangers pics she posted. yah and those memories came back again. somewhere in my mind i got reminded of those times where i would rush home after sch to finish homework fast so that i can catch the 5 o' clock show on Channel 5 (the then TCS or SBC, cant remember) and "Go Go Power Rangers!!" haha and i'll be so excited about the Dinozords and those weapons. lol! and my cousins and my sis and i used to play the individual characters of the show and start fighting together... I was Billy--THE BLUE RANGER!! hahaha. sigh. all those times.

I want to leave jc and teenhood and relive childhood again. it was a time of fun, laughter and free of depression and decision making. afterall, all that fantasy that children have about growing up are not that ideal. growing up ain't a good thing i suppose.

Haha oh yes. and captain planet.

Till the next time. peace out!

benny. on 10:45 AM

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