Saturday, November 20, 2004
Finally a returN

Not been able to blog lately cos of a terrible fault with the internet connection. apparently some shit freakin dialer automatically installed itself and changed all my internet configurations and being the IT-Idiot me, i was at my wits' end. so... in conclusion, the only way out was--give up and dun give a shit about the computer.

Sigh. wad a pity. the past week odd was the week with my most amount of thoughts and i really had soooo many urges to log in to blogger and record ém down. oh sobz.

I went to Sungei Rengit! (if i did not spell wrongly). and Kota Tinggi in Malaysia. cool places with loadsa beautiful stuff. FIREFLIES inhabiting forest of trees at night for mating! it's like a forest of christmas trees in nature. I was kinda touched by that magnificent view but sadly, no picture taking was allowed on the boat. Fireflies. amazing creatures. for the first time in my life i felt like everything i studied from the moment i started schooling till now had no use at all, had no significance, no impact, no value. I felt that humans afterall could not be that beautiful no matter how much LV or Chanel or Prada or Polo Ralph Lauren we have; no matter how many Red hairdos or Adonis Skin care treatments we have. All the male fly has to do, is to flash 3 times a second to attract a female, and for a moment it could be the most beautiful thing on earth... Touched beyond words. Sigh.


I've recently realised that maybe we shouldnt tell anyone about our dreams. because some people are so blunt, that the moment they comment about ur dreams, they shatter.


OGL camp was freakin fun!!! ZOSMA ROX!

till again. im so tired.

benny. on 11:42 PM

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