Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'm back again! With 3 months worth of events ready to be summarised into 1 post. Although really, I think I'll prolly just go on about really recent events.

It's been another cycle of emotional ups and downs during the past 3 months... With the new musicians being posted in without my ABSM attached to Central Band for an international tattoo at Kualar Lumpur, I was tasked with the responsibility to take these new musicians in hand for a few weeks. I had to be their babysitter, disciplinarian all at once; making sure they knew the rules, that they had room for accomodation etc. That stressed me out quite a bit, especially since my superior left me with expectations.

Consequently, I was away from everyone even more frequently, hiding in the office, almost getting married with work. Stress, and the lack of company just got the better of me, and I kinda like lapsed into another few weeks of unhappiness. Guess I sounded and looked really stupid. But thankfully for me, Hong Kong came!

Yes, on the last week of September, I left for a 5 days HongKong trip with some NS mates, Zhenhua, Zhongwei, Yiming, Kevin, Timothy and Derrick. If I actually remember to do so, I should do an entire post on it. It was great. It was, really the best getaway for me from the loads of files, documents and responsibilities back in camp.

October was generally uneventful. But I'm feeling alot better now, with more smiles and fun in life, less tension, less obsession with work. I see positive growth in my friendships.

November comes. And Zhenhua along with Junyang and many of my other friends in other units have ORDed. They've become so much a part of my NS life, now that they're gone, everyday seemed a little less meaningful than it was. It was fine initially, seeing everyone go. But as it gradually happened, these last few months of service for me began to slow down. And it will only get worse, I suppose, with Joel, Weekiat and Sunil leaving. And then Miah, Zhongwei and Yiming will leave.

Till then.


benny. on 7:46 PM

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