Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Maybe some things are just not meant to be yours, no matter how hard you work for it. Maybe, after all, you dont have THAT much control over your life. Cos there's someone out there who's planned your life already, and you don't have that ability to look ahead. So you work aimlessly for something that you wished will belong to you one fine day.

Like how someone has alot of passion for doing something, hoping against hope that he'll be able to make his mark one day, and let people recognise that passion; then offer him an opportunity to pursue his passion. Yes, he did it. He made his mark and proved himself. But yet, his efforts were no where near recognised. Why? Thousands of others made their mark too. Some made their mark to an even further extent.

Some of these people have always been outstanding. And aren't these the people the society is looking for? Passion says nothing. What matters is proof. Proof that is built over the years in your life. You will NOT fail for once, or there goes your chance. Like me. There went my chance, years ago.

And i regret. But I can't even cry. Cos that's how the world works.

Then, there's this thing where people dont see your efforts. No matter how much hard work you put in, it's seen as something you're SUPPOSED to do. For granted. On top of that, they surprise you by blaming you for any little thing that goes wrong. You're insignificant at any point of time. And suddenly you become the centre of attraction, the person who needs to bear all the responsibility just because something went wrong.

I don't understand.

benny. on 9:41 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>