Wednesday, October 19, 2005

OH MY GOODNESS it's NINETEEN days people, NINETEEN. yes that's how u spell it. AND it's finally the end of Day 1 of this HUGE and VIGOROUS revision plan ive drawn up for myself. 9/10 things were completed. pretty proud of myself.

Ahhh. i think all my A level papers are currently sitting in some cabinet of the MOE Examinations Board, resting in their warm corners, awaiting pen ink to be written all over them. ESPECIALLY my bio paper 2, which happens to start the A level ball rolling.

Bio paper 2: "Hahahahaha..... i'm going to see how BENNY can score an A with me around. I'm such a high standard paper. DREAM ON!"

OH NO, my Bio paper's gloating at me !

Sigh. that was really random. i feel it now.

Anybody, can you see it coming? Can you hear the distant whispers of Maths paper 1 chatting with Maths paper 2???

benny. on 11:28 PM

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