Saturday, October 02, 2004
One more step to the end of promos.

yay! my General Paper exam is finally over! First hurdle crossed. 5 more to go. that's Bio on monday, Econs paper 3 on tuesday, Chem and Maths on wednesday and Econs paper 1&2 on thursday. and thats the end of my promotional examination series!


"Traditional values are of little merit today." Discuss.

This was the question i chose to do for my GP paper 1 today. guess it wasnt that bad cos i managed to guess wad "of little merit" means and structured a relatively well balanced argument. (hopefully) and seriously pray hard that there ain't many flaws or logic breakdown in my essay cos i really didnt have time to check. and pray really really hard that i didnt make any grammatical errors.

But the comprehension passage was DISASTER. cant believe it was so difficult. about Information Society. great. damn. i understood nothing except the paragraph on new and old media. sigh. there goes lah. i'd better start thinking of what combi im gonna take next year. im gonna fail GP probably cos of comprehension.

Oh well oh well.... im gonna go take a short nap and continue mugging. juz hope that i can pass my subs with 4 A level passes and den advance to year 2. haha. cheerios. peace out!

benny. on 2:45 PM

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