Thursday, September 09, 2004
Friend or foe.

Forgiving an enemy is easier than forgiving a friend...

How true that is... i just saw this on one of my good friend's MSN nick and thought i'd blog on it since its rare these days that i get strong feelings bout sth. Seriously, it sux knowing that your friend has done something to betray you totally, or even fall out with you for something that you thought was extremely trivial, or something that you juz did cos you thought he was able to take it.

I dunnoe, but there'll be two sides of an argument here bout this issue. When you're betrayed by ur friend, you'll feel really really upset and the only thought that flashes in your mind is that your friendship with him ends here. He tries to explain things to you, that he didnt want to do it, he was forced by circumstances, he was this, he was that, and kept saying that he was sorry and extremely remorseful. He tried time and again to show you that he cares as a friend, but your hatred and anger still won't budge even at the moment when he's placing a blade at his wrist. He has his tears dried, was at his wit's end with regards to saving the friendship, had his heart dieing of remorse, but still he has lost you as a friend.

On the other hand, it's really very difficult to forgive your friend for doing something gravely wrong to have incurred your wrath, to have disappointed you totally, to have overpowered all those feelings of friendship. But we wonder why, that since we are friends, we should forgive and forget much easier since friends do not bear grudges. The thing is, subconsciously, at least i believe so, that a friend, is the last person you would ever think of who would do something like that to hurt you to such depths. You expected a lot from him, you thought he understood you only too well to do somethin like that. You're in total disappointment and heartache, and everything else matters no more cos your best friend just did sth to hurt you. Deep down inside you wanna forgive him but face it, its juz deep down inside... Nothing from that inside all the way to your phenotypical traits want you to be friends with him again cos you know, that there will be an irremovable barrier, from then on, and from there on.

Well it's just like that... friends, part and parcel of your lives, but how each and everyone of us perform the role of friends is a very important part of maintaining friendships.

Here's another quote i saw from another friend's MSN nick...

Forgiveness, is me giving my right to hurt you for hurting me...

How true this is again huh... Well...
Check bag.


benny. on 10:55 PM

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