Monday, September 13, 2004

Ok... this entry is gonna be real short.

1) Talked to Wee Kiat some days back online and got to know him like a step better... sIgh. there could actually be someone who has similar family situations as me... **KIV (Will share mah feelings some day when im free)

2) Went to mug for two days with Tiffany and Luthfi at parkway...! Most productive 2 days i guess. The one with leo was whole day of unproductivity...

3) The MJCSB Welfare Committee is formally set up! Photography, Notice boards and Home Project on the way!!! Sigh. *sTreSs*

4) The MJCSB Music Committee is officiated! SC: Weejuay, ASC: Benny Ng... Trumpet SLs selected! SL: Justin, ASL: Me! >_<~ haha...

5) Went to The Treasury today for a focus group discussion on Making Choices... ah crap. loada propaganda... but that facilitator quite funny though. he was like lost for words when we debated with him... RJC, MJC, NJC, MI power... cool eh?! JC students rock.

Yah k tonite's not the nite for bloggin cos im rushing to sleep. TAF (shit...) tomorrow.

yup peace out and study hard for...

a)Wendy Mei: STREAMING.
c)All other friends in JC: PROMOS

yeap. cya~!

benny. on 10:50 PM

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