Saturday, September 18, 2004
The world's so small...

Well today after that SCAS opening ceremony thing where i saw PM Lee! Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports and Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry! and Rear Admiral Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Defence, i stayed to mug a lil while with baolun, dawn, siok, wenqi and cherri.

Then went to parkway and met up with xiufeng. I so miss her... didnt see her for quite some time and yeah. quite alot to catch up. Got to know many things bout her life this yr, and all her troubles. Yeah... hope we can meet up again anytime soon.

Went to BK to mug again and then met Lianwei... whom again i didnt see for a relatively long time. well, hope he's doing fine... but yeah won't be doing anywhere badly though.


S|gh. seriously not in the mood to blog. will be back to check.


benny. on 6:28 PM

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