Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Touched. Happy.

You dun need big big things, nor alot of money, nor a big big present, nor the biggest house and wealth in the world to make you feel happy... It's the little things from day to day that could bring us happiness...

To be frank, i just came back from lunch after school. Was at the Tampines MRT Station when i spotted 2 Sec 2 juniors walking towards me. Their faces were so unfamiliar, and i definitely have not seen them around before. Sec 2s afterall. And they walked past me, but before that, they stopped to say "Hello Senior!!" and i was so dumbstruck. Surprised. and the next feeling was [Happiness] then [touched]... And so i smiled and asked "Sec wad ?" "2...", they said. And i was certain they weren't from the band cos i shlda known all the sec 2 members from the band by now... And i remained excited, happy, touched, elated! throughout the entire journey home. And now i can't wait to blog it... and so here i am before showering, still smelling like salted fish in this uniform.

Sweet eh? It's these things that can send a smile to your face. It's these things that touch your heart like nothing else do. It's these things that make me feel that i am somebody.


I love the school and will always love it for the rest of my life...

For many days of this year, ive not had this special feeling. I finally had it today. *HappY*

In conjunction, i would like to congratulate two pple:

--Tiffany for finishing her Grade 6 piano exam (Tiff you can get a Distinction surely.)
--Yixiang for topping Geography grades in the entire geog fac in our college.

Yeah. gtg mug for tml's Ionic Equilibrium Test...


benny. on 4:33 PM

<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>