Thursday, May 22, 2008

An update! Although really, no one reads this blog anymore. It'll make its comeback, hopefully. Meanwhile, it can remain sort of an obscure corner in the internet for me to talk to myself.

Work has started in Casuarina Primary School, and my appointment as a Teacher-Aide isn't really as fun as it seems to be. And with JOEL stressing the point that I am "not even a teacher", didn't really help. It's annoying really. I don't go into class and teach per se, but at least I'm handling the lab lessons and all. And yes, I remain employed throughout the holidays.

These 2 months, post ORD, hasn't been exactly enjoyable. I've not been in the best of my health, probably due to sudden changes in lifestyle habits. Alot of stress going on, from all the medical checkups and scans. I'm seeing the doctor next month, so hopefully I'm okay. I finally saw the need to really live healthily, and that accumulation of bad lifestyle habits can really cost me many things in a matter of 15 to 20 years from now. I don't want anything untoward to happen to myself, nor my current and future family, so it's best that I change NOW.

I'm just hoping that I'll feel alot better and happier before school starts, so I can bring myself up, and be ready for school, for the challenge of doing well in university. I'll really do anything to bring back my thirst for knowledge I had 2 years back. I need the drive!

till again.

benny. on 11:12 AM

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