Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kids should be taught better manners. I was swimming in the condo pool earlier on, and this boy actually called me UNCLE. UNCLE LEH! For goodness' sake, DO I REALLY LOOK THAT OLD?! Urh. But I can't blame him. Cos this callbennyuncle thingy seems to be running in his family's blood. That kid was throwing his goggles around. And his dad said: "CAREFUL! THERE GOT UNCLE AH..." And mind you, I was the ONLY one in the pool, apart from them. Sigh.

So I heard i went for MJC's 2nd College Day last saturday. Wasn't too bad, as compared to those student audience. Cos i was there for 3 Awards in total. The Academic one, the Exco one and the Colours for band. AND I went for dinner with my dearest classmates and friends that night! Johnson, Mun, Shauna from S203, Luther and Denzil from S204. Fish & Co at the airport, together with Ms Choo. It was a great gathering! The girls talking about their upcoming uni life, and the guys talking about 1)girls 2)how shit-like our lives are 3)how low our intelligence level is now. But it was fun. I'd love to meet them up some time soon!

Yesterday, I went shopping at IKEA with Rick-Bao, Geri, Fuquan and Jac. Skipping everything, there was this bitch at the IKEA restaurant that pissed me off. Ah whatever. Anyway, the journey home with geraldine was hilarious. We had fun imagining how the world would be like, if tomorrow morning both of us woke up with a perfect physique, and the rest of the world who were once fit, woke up to be obese. Especially those who've laughed at us before, they ought to be GROSSLY OBESE. And i promised her i'd bring her, and we'll sashay into all the boutique outlets to get our favourite clothing.

Till that end, i thought about it for the whole night. It was all for the point of letting people understand the fact that NOBODY WANTS TO BE BORN FAT. It sucks. Thinking about the things people say to you from day to day, the things people say with every act of putting something into your mouth, the way they make it sound like you chose to be fat etc etc etc. It sucks. To see your friends fit nicely into the clothing you want so dearly. You know you can afford it financially, but there wasnt a point buying it cos you'll look like crap anyway. So you get ur friend to try it on, because you like it, and you just wanna see someone in it, although, not yourself. Geri and I were on this topic for almost the whole night at Juling's chalet. [speaking of which, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN, JULING DEAR! HAHA. THANKS FOR ALL THE FOOD ALL THIS WHILE!] And, it's obvious. Only geri understands how i feel, and vice versa. Yes Yes Yes, go on, say i'm whining, say i'm the most irritating fat person on earth, say i'm looking down on myself and that no one really thinks i'm fat and ugly. Come on. Comparison is not a conscious act. All it takes is a passing thought that sometimes become a remark that was not meant to be said.

If i had what it takes, if i had no physical limitations, i'll work my life away just to become slimmer. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Better looks, probably higher self esteem for mutual communication with girls, healthier lifestyle, longer lifespan, lower risks of shit diseases and many more.

But. I don't. I've a limitation. I cant stretch myself too far. It's not even FAR for a start.

Sigh. God, let me wake up a handsome young man tomorrow. Just, 1 day will do. The joy of buying clothes without having to care about how the sales person will react when you ask for a size. The joy of walking into a boutique outlet and hearing the saleswoman say "This will fit you." instead of "Try it on lah! We got size, dun worry."


benny. on 9:02 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>