Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ok fine. I've been lazy AND tired. So ive not been updating. National Day Rehearsals and stuff... it's been the same routine week after week, so yeah, nothing special's been happening at the White House recently.

MJCSB got her 3rd Gold Award in a row! With 82.xx%, Jericho and Colonel Bogey got mjcsb her 3rd accolade at the National Band Competition. Well, it was mildly disappointing for the seniors, and probably the juniors too. But looking on the bright side, it's a relieving fact that we managed another Gold medal this time round, especially with the disrupted preparation cos of the mid year exams. So yup, kudos to Exco No. 4, J1s and 2s, and my baby - the alumni!

New blood of MJCSB, there's SYF 2007 up ahead, so keep it up and strive for better results! =)

So i met Wendy and other CCHSM juniors at the VCH during NBC. Man, it irks me even at the thought of describing their new band uniform. It's just.. totally un-chungchengish. Oh well. Times have changed although ive only graduated for barely 2.5 years, and i guess things change with time.

Here's a lil somethin for the MJCSB Exco 2006-2007. I retreived it from some old sources. Pretty simple words, but i think it captures what i want to say. So yup, if any of the mjcsb leaders chance upon this, i hope you'll take a moment to read it.

"Its tough being a leader... Its also tough being a follower... Leader and followers do the same thing... Its just the different role they hold. They have equal levels of responsibilities... So both parties suffer if either one of them screws up. Good leaders make people feel that they're at the very heart of things. Everyone feels that he or she makes a difference to the organisation. When that happens... People feel centered... Bonded... And that gives their work meaning... In motivating people...You've got to engage their minds and hearts... Show it by actions...Leaders keep their eyes on the horizon... Not just on the bottom line... They gotta be far sighted... The leaders I met, whatever walk of life they were from, whatever organisations they were presiding over, always referred back to the same failure...something that happened to them that was personally difficult...something that made them feel that desperate sense of hitting bottom... It's as if at that moment the iron entered their soul... That moment created the resilience that leaders need...You can't build a strong corporation with alot of committees that has to be consulted every turn. You have to be able to make decisions on your own... The price of leadership is responsibilty... "

Meanwhile, here's all the best to my old time juniors - namely Huikoon, Sookun, Fabian, Xuanwei, Kinlok, Kenny, Donovan, Tsz Yan, Zhengyi, Paulina, Sarah, Yosua and friends, all the best for the coming Prelims and A levels! There's this time where you've to put mjcsb down temporarily and get down to your lecture notes, and now's the time. So yup, BUCK UP!

Now i can't wait for ORD.

benny. on 9:16 PM

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