Monday, October 10, 2005

I'm currently committing the greatest sin on earth, ie blog when it's like 30 days away from the A levels. Sigh, but i really saw the need to throw some of my thoughts out, before i go bonkers. Time flew past, much faster than it used to do so in this past week, and i wonder why. School days were a whole lot shorter with the collapsed time table, with only periods of revision lectures scheduled. The afternoons were left for us to do our self revision. It's been one week, and i don't see myself any more prepared for the A levels than when i was taking my preliminary exams.

I shan't say that life's been mundane. But in all these rushing in and out of lecture theatres and tutorial rooms, i've seriously missed out on many many things. Sometimes i stop at the corridor and suddenly wonder why. For my future, of course. They say, everything's worth giving up for this cert. Sigh.

I've missed out on my dearest AGA pals, i really really really miss them a hell lot. Even though we see each other in school from day to day, but we never really stopped to gossip, talk, laugh, have fun and do anything under the sun like we used to. Everyone's in this human race... everyone can't afford to stop. The best anyone could give was nothing more than a smile, a wave, or a hi-bye. Sigh...

I've missed out on peeps like Leo, Huijun, Huifen and my CCHS friends in other colleges. They too, are involved in this path to complete A levels. It's been long...

I've missed out on hanging out with ATP-the craziest batch of JC1 juniors ive seen in my life, the people who brought laughter and joy into the colourless JC2 life of mine.

I really hate to be judgmental, cos it's terrible to dislike someone and vice versa.

In the midst of all these burying myself into lecture notes and books and revision worksheets, I've lost my sense of security all over again. It seems like i've gone back to how i used to be, insecure, scared, lonely. I can't wait for all these to end. I long for days that are simple, enjoyable and comfortable. I

Here're some random messages to my friends:

Huijun: Don't ever give up girl, we're the Chung Cheng dynamites! ^_^ And remember, Diligence is the presence of perserverance, and the absence of indolence. We're reaching the end very very soon. We might as well give it a full shot! I'll see ya with tiff after the A's. tk care!

Leo: Nothing much to say, except to study hard. Time you should put down all your interpersonal troubles like being at a loss for words when ur friend wants to commit suicide. and MUG your ass off. I hope you'll get straight As. no, really. no joke. tk care too.

Tiffany: I know you're as uncertain as me, and i know you're scared that we both won't make it for bio at A levels, and chem and math for that matter. But i hope that we'll both work hard together for this final lap like how we used to do 2 years ago, before both our lives take on a different route altogether. I know you can do it, really.

AGA: I MISS YOU GUYS...!!! I can't wait to get together with you guys again. And not to talk about studies, but sit together and bitch and recall those memories and do EVERYTHING we want to do...All the best for A levels!

ATP: Well well, I guess i won't be seeing you guys much till after the A levels (i hope), and i certainly hope that you pple won't be forgetting me soon! Just wanna say thanks for everything, including the teaching sessions. don't know if they benefitted you, but they helped me recap my concepts. Huikoon, Xuanwei, KinLok and Sookun owes me a total of 3 days worth of meals. REMEMBER!

Till again.

benny. on 8:37 PM

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