Tuesday, September 20, 2005

It's finally the last day of the preliminary examinations. Economics papers 1 and 2 were quite a disaster, as the standards of the papers were darn unexpected. sigh.

Biology paper 3 was as usual, studying only accounts for about 20/65 of the paper(ie essay). the rest was just logical deductions. UrgH~

-Biology Paper 1 (Finale!)

then again, it's only the prelims. there's still the A levels. im having this similar sickening feeling, of not wanting to write econs essays again. (just like how i didnt want to write social studies essays after prelims, just didnt wanna repeat it again.) it's sickening writing essays in an exam!

haha okay random. lookin forward to seein my band peepz after the A's. =)

peace out.

benny. on 8:19 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>