Thursday, May 05, 2005

When the last chord of INVICTUS rang in Singapore Conference Hall today, a strong sense of nostalgia swept over me. 6 bars before that ending note, i was praying hard that the piece would never end.......

Sigh. and so, this marks the end of another chapter in my life. 1.5 years in a JC band. in MJC Band. all that hard work, sweat, unhappiness, quarrels, mistakes, everyday practices ended up with a GOLD MEDAL. On that note, i would like to say to all my MJCSB members that you all did such a GRREEEEAAAAAT job today!!! WE BLEW THE JUDGES AND OTHER COLLEGES AWAY...!

Thanks to all my dearest Trumpeters, the beloved EXCO, all the crazy year 1s, and many many many more people. Today made my life complete.
To Justin, Cherri, Rickson, Junwen, Jun Yang, Wenqi, Cheryl, Siok Wei, Dawn, we have made magic in each others' lives. Keep in touch yah? Band brought us together. and Let's remain together. =D
To Huikoon, Sarah, Kenny, Kin Lok, Xuan Wei, Zheng Yi, Yosua n others, great job.
To Vinz, Weejuay, Joel, BaoLun, Fuquan, Eugene, Justin, i had so much fun workin with u pple, and bringing the band to this distance. thanks for everything. dinner some time?

Much as i do not want it to end, my band life comes to a stop now. It was so beautiful. I'm beyond words. refer to joel's blog for the exact description of my feelings....

-"Band number 4.......Meridian Junior College...............GOLD!"-

Let this night remain forever and ever....

P.s. i'll increase my blogging frequency. now that SYF's over. haha!

benny. on 9:56 PM

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