Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Pain. Pain. Pain.

Ok. Tuesday of this week gone just like that. Was considerably productive cos i did study 2 chapters out of 13 for chemistry... 3 cheers!

Well yeah juz read tiffany's blog n saw that poem she wrote. I feel lousy again. It seems to me that everyone's good at at least something... but i'm not! Leo's good at singing... Tiffany's good at singing & language... Lianwei's good at Tuba... Yixiang's good at piano & maths... Huifen's good at maths... What am i good at?! I'll try writing a poem and get laughed at the very next day, try writing a song and the song probably gets rejected even by myself...

Emptiness, the feeling,
my heart will hold.
Like a pail without water,
a house without a soul.

This is a poem writing of my pain,
a person living this life of shame.

I'm your son hiding my depression,
your brother making a good impression.

I'm your friend looking like i'm fine,
but a wisher wishing life now weren't mine.

I am a boy who wants to fly,
a teenager pushing tears aside.

I'm a student who doesn't have a clue,
your good friend who will sit next to you.

I'm the one asking you to care,
your best friend hoping you'll be there....

S|gh. Who's gonna be there for me?...

benny. on 11:26 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>