Friday, January 14, 2005

Ok. it's chinese period now and as usual, my classmates are having the worse time of their lives in the tutorial rooms, with me slackin around in the college library. i realised how much work can be covered in JC2 within juz 1 week. yes, the direct aftermath of orientation fun is this entire weight of undone work on u. Stress.

I juz realised i haven't completed the Econs tutorials on Economic growth and National Income Accounting, Maths tutorials on Vectors both I and II, bio tutorials on hereditary genetics and transport in plants, chem tutorials on alkenes, arenes, halogen derivatives, phenols, and the new chapter completed, aldehydes and ketones. i'm juz so dead. and there's a test on monday. a MATHS test on vectors and mathematical induction. i'm so gonna fail. sigh! bad start for january huh. and feb is like... comin so soon.

Weird things jus happen sometimes when u dun wan them to happen. i guess i need to learn how to concentrate better and not get affected by stuff.

To tiffany: i hope you're doin well. now in jc 2, it's still the same. i'm but a phone call away every night...smiLe!

Also, had a meeting with Kelvin Tan yesterday about the workplan for the band this yr. and yah, we're exactly 110 days to SYF. sounds really really little. but im thirsty, for a Gold medal. i wanna relive the days of MBS Band, where we got a Gold in the first SYF we ever took part in. MJC Band will shine.

peace out for now.

benny. on 1:20 PM

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