Tuesday, February 05, 2008
new year resolutions.

It's eve of Chinese New Year Eve, and we're ONE day away from CNY. Time really flies! The past year had been very eventful for me, learnt alot, and there were some changes in the way i look at my life.

Of course, it's late January already, and it's nearing chinese new year. So it's time for new year resolutions! I will want to achieve the following in this year:

1) Work through with a positive mindset till ORD. Cut all the ORD mood crap. Teach my understudy, Faidhi properly, and ensure a smooth handover.
2) Pack up my laziness and retardation mood after ORD, get to work, and prepare myself for studies in August.
3) Sign up for scholarship.
4) Lose weight and control my blood pressure!
5) Curb my hot headedness, and be much nicer to all my friends.
6) Keep in touch with the NS gang in SAF Bands!
7) Support every Band B COG (Main), as far as I can.
8) Help all my students do better in their studies.
9) Observe filial piety.
10) Save more money.

Happy New Year to all! And I'm looking forward to hosting the gathering on 15th of Feb.

benny. on 11:49 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>