Monday, July 09, 2007

It's REALLY been a very long time since I last typed an entry. Of course, many things have happened, and life's been having too many ups and downs for me to sit down and actually still have energy to generate anything blogworthy. Not that my entries ever contained anything blogworthy, but I've been in a state where I can't even generate random whinings.

So, June's been amazing, with the load of scheduled SAF Day Rehearsals and OCS Commissioning Parade, and of course our intake of new blood into Band B. Nothing interesting I guess, except that we celebrated Dean's and Fuquan's 20th birthday. I've now officially taken over as the Administrative NCO or the BSM's PA of Band B... and it's been pretty much exciting, although the routine administrative work is considerably taxing.

1st July was SAF Day. My first and last SAF Day Parade. By the next, i'd haf ORDed. All was well, the trooping of the colours segment was really the highlight of the parade, and i thought the provosts executed drills with a great deal of precision. Also of course, the Band's slow march accompaniment to the trooping was wonderfully delivered too. I had my share of working with the cornet section of band c, and it was really an enjoyable time. Really grateful for them. =)

And we're on to July. I see a couple of weeks of rest from parades. Not complaining though. It'd be a good time to catch up on some music playing without strict time, some skill brushing, some catching up of the good old times with my fellow stay-ins. It would also be a good time for me to settle at my desk and finish up loose ends of my work in the office, to start anew and to correct everything i've not been doing well enough, and to await the new batch of guys comin in.

It's also a month full of important birthdays!

Oh Rickson passed his Class 3A driving test. Congratulations! Yet another driver in the SAF Band B. Next weekend, if i get a good collection of pictures for events that occurred over the past month, I'll post em up. Meanwhile, I shall get back to bed and prepare for a new week. Ciao!

"IMO, if you're not familiar with an environment or your responsibilities, you should not question what you're told to do. You wanna question, you wait till you have the relevant experience. And then perhaps you wont see the need to question anymore. Learn to recognise that you do NOT have a say. Just yet."

benny. on 12:04 AM

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