Thursday, April 05, 2007
Off Day randoms+emo channel 8 drama

Your little daughter wakes up early on your birthday morning, surprises you on your bed. "Happy birthday Daddy, I love you. You've to come back from work early today okay? I wanna give you your birthday present."

You're a doctor. You went to work. The next thing you knew, was your daughter being admitted into A & E, after a car knocked her down on her way to buying your birthday present. Brain dead.

You're faced with the decision of letting your daughter go. She has the life support machine, but she's basically as good as dead. Being in the Organs Transplant Department, you know your daughter's heart can save another child with a serious heart dilation problem. You and your wife makes a decision.

You will let her go. The moment where she was pushed into the operating theatre, the moment to say good bye comes.

Gosh I couldn't stand that. Was watching the show, some taiwan drama. Yes, the storyline is too convenient to be true. But it wasn't the storyline that got me. It was the reality embedded within it. The possibility of us losing a loved one anytime, any day. Everyone wakes up every morning finding a brand new normal day. But we never know what's going to happen.
I put myself into the parents' shoes. And almost immediately i started tearing. It was such an intense heartache, to know that you're about the only person in the world who has the ability to save her, but there's nothing you can do. It was a terrible feeling, to let your daughter go like that. She was so adorable, so understanding, she was your everything.
Okay nuff of randoms. I'm getting more and more depressed now as I think bout it. How vulnerable lives are, how helpless Medicine can get, and the kind of pain each death brings to the still living world. Till again.


benny. on 6:04 PM

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