Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I will learn from here, to think more than I already do.

Nobody is trustworthy.

This will not get me down. My life goes on as it is, I live it my way. People who want to create trouble will soon leave. They have to. Unless they choose to stay and destroy their own lives.

Nobody understands. Everyone leads their own lives their way. As I will do to mine.

benny. on 6:58 PM

Monday, November 06, 2006

So, Benny went on his 2nd Changing of Guards Ceremony (1st time participating as Main Band) yesterday, on the 5th of November. So much for looking forward to this big big day which signifies the many many more COGs to come. As all first times are, this was a very memorable experience. Extremely memorable actually. Apparently, it rained for the very first time in (at least) 2 years worth of COGs. According to the next ORDing batch of senior corporals, in their past 2 years of service with the SAF Bands, the wet weather programme has never been activated for COG @ Istana. For me, on this very faithful 5th November 2006, it rained on my maiden experience of parading down orchard road. But I'm pretty much thankful, for at least we got to play the 2 marches before the wet weather plans were activated.

For the benefit of those who actually went to watch, the band DID NOT mean to march right past the Istana gate and pretend as if there wasnt a single audience waiting for the performance to commence. That was the wet weather programme. We were supposed to counter march when we reach the gate, and form up to a mega band with the supporting band, who has already marched out from istana, and waiting at the gate. Then a series of ceremonial things will follow, like, the inspection of the guards (to the tune of Officer of The Day), the announcement of the handover for the Sentry guards, and above all, the Silent Precision Drill Squad performance(to the tune of Japanese Graffiti V & VI). Sadly, all these were cancelled due to the slightly heavier drizzle. Istruments and SAR 21s at stake, so we HAD to go off.

Anyway, it was quite unnerving. The band was mildly (ok slightly more than mildly) disappointed when the Drum Major did not raise his mace to give the counter march command at the Istana gate. And we thought the rain was going to get heavier, so we had no choice.

But HELL NO. The damned rain friggin STOPPED like barely 50 steps into the Istana grounds.

YUCK. URGGH. And next month's CHRISTMAS! But Band B's doing support for COG.

Not sour or anythin, jus a lil disappointed that the rare chance of us doing COG Main had to be discounted in this way.

Just a lil publicity! Next month's COG will probably be on the 3rd of December(with Band A doing Main), and the following month's will be on the 7th of January (with Band B doing Main). So do go down and watch! It's cool!

Smiles. Till again~

benny. on 9:30 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>