Thursday, April 20, 2006

AND! It's finally my turn to go in and serve the nation, in another half a day's time. Not that i'm excited bout it. In fact, imma little insecure.

How time flies! I thought army was so far away from me back then, and now it's tomorrow.

I wanted to write some emo shit entry, but thought i should just forget it. I'll be back in 2 weeks anyway. So people, juniors in MJCSB and the whole world, don't forget me okay? I'm not gonna be absent for good.

Keep in touch people!

I'm looking forward to Joie De Vivre II and im hoping i can come out.

19th May 2006
Victoria Concert Hall
Tickets @ $10 each
Free Seating
Highlights include:
Phantom of The Opera
Les Miserables
Noah's Ark
Get the tickets NOW!!!!!
Okay... see all of you in 2 weeks.

benny. on 9:59 PM

Monday, April 10, 2006

So MJC's band camp v.2 just ended about a day ago, and after all the big hoohas about whichever whatever, rickson, balloon, me, jules, joel, weekiat and geri still spent a night in camp with the juniors over some cup noodles, a couple of drinks, and jules' special Sheperd's Pie. It was essentially the junior's camp, and so we didnt take many pictures.

Through the camp, i observed every detail I could, and had to admit that the juniors, exco number 3, did an excellent job in the planning of this camp. Being me, i drew stupid, parallel comparisons with this camp and the maiden one last year, only to realise that many improvements have been made. Being me again, instead of feeling happy that everything's improving, i felt lousy, and started thinking about why I didnt manage to plan a better band camp with my exco. As it is, ive been feeling upset that i didnt manage to take enough pictures and capture the memories of those days spent in the band camp, and planning for stuff like Dial M (for Murder). read: band camp v.1 Dial M (for Missing), was amazing. It was a whole new improved idea of the initial Murder one. Cool, interactive. I like the story of Kurt Andre (spell?).

In the midst of feeling lousy, i forgot the little things i've experienced with my exco, with my band, with the seniors then that gave me all the happiness that accumulated over the 2 years. I forgot that we contributed to the intial building stages of establishing this band. I forgot that we brought magic to life of an mjcsbandit, and future ones to come. I forgot that we were the ones who waved the wand to create band camp v.1! I forgot that 'M' in "Dial M" once stood for "Murder". I forgot that i ought to be proud, being a part of all these. I forgot that i should be happy that the juniors are making an effort to carry on this bloodline. I forgot that I am not heading the Alumni Band, and there're more things for me to do, more things awaiting my team and i to create, and to welcome each graduating batch.

Thanks to Emma, our dearest pioneer pres of mjcsb. I just happened to read one of her post syf entries, out of complete boredom. And i felt proud once again, that everything had happened. That the band's in good hands after us, that mjcsb's taking flight for a better future.

Quoting Emma:
"anyways yea.. been reading some of the mjcsb babies' blogs. they reminded me of the day i had to hand over monkey to retrospect, the experience of building up a band frm scratch is damn amazing. i rmb the adhoc com first meeting (l1r6!!). i rmb the first time we went to check out the bandrm. i rmb the day we waited patiently for the instruments to come. i rmb the day we had our first prac. gosh. tts such a long way bck. our first tune in, cca fairs, meridian revelry, joie de vivre, band fun days, bbqs, first xmas tree. of course all these wldnt be possible without the exco and the wonderful wonderful pioneers. reminiscence; its pleasurable when u do it once in a while. nvr fails to leave me smiling and grinning to myself."

Indeed! Reminiscence is sweet. How i wish i had a time turner without a usage limit. Whenever i feel upset or something, i'll rewind time and relive those beautiful moments in life. Though i don't have the luxury of owning so many "first times" like Emma, but i've got many "Second times". (oh goodness that sounds stupid) No, many first times too, actually. Like, FIRST Welfare Officer, FIRST Assistant Student Conductor, FIRST Band Camp, FIRST Inter JC Band Exchange, FIRST SYF, FIRST Juxtapose!, FIRST 4 pillars of the band, FIRST Overseas Trip(to malaysia)!

Damn, i need to learn how to feel more confident about my past. I need to stop feeling lousy. And i need to behave more like an Alumni Band member.

Till again.


benny. on 11:08 PM

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