Sunday, December 25, 2005

Okay fine. i didnt fulfil my promise and update my blog as stated in the previous entry. but here i am! at 3.17am, typing this entry. It's christmas day! so MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!

Especially to my dearest band clique - AGA, my junior band clique - ATP & friends, MJCSB on the whole, my 04S203 civics group mates whom i've not really met since A levels ended, my PAE 04S204 mates, my cchsmband pals huifen, junwei, kailing, lianwei, quanming, xiufeng, lookit; my loyal supporter all thru from sec 1 to now - Leo; my favourite 4DL classmates like huijun, and my bestest pal - tiffany.

Well it's been a pretty (un?)eventful christmas eve night with a group of them. Wonderful though, spending this night with kinlok, tszyan, fabian+sarah(yap), xuanwei, donovan, zhengyi and zhenghong wandering along orchard road and getting all pissed off by pple who enjoy playing with foam sprays. desperate for snow i assume, or maybe some of them just need skin whiteners(haha!). Countdown wasnt really countdown cos we didnt really get to count. There was a sudden huge roar from the crowd outside wheelock, and YAY it's Christmas Day! Yeah that's it.

I feel utterly overdressed. (RANDOM)

All in all, it was fun. I mean, anything beats staying on at my mum's friend's place singing songs of praise, dancing, and mingling around with the adults that i've never seen before, describing the jc system and how i got through my 12 years of education, OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

MJCSB gave me life in these 2 years. I'm really going to miss everyone so much when next year starts. As fabian puts it, the real test of friendships comes after graduation, where pple don't have the luxury of seeing each other everyday. How true, judging from experience. I never wanna see all these fostered friendships get left behind into history when life goes on for all of us. Never wanna lose it all once again...

Merry christmas again, people. Till again! (pictures next time, hopefully)

Thought of the day: I don't know how much I mean to you, and you and you and you... I feel like my existence never really made a difference at all, much as i wanted it to. It's painful to see everyone sharing something common only to them, but not to you. I don't know how much i must do, and i don't know where it lies. I don't know if hugs and kisses and wishes were ever meant from the bottom of hearts, I don't know if we were as close as i thought, and i don't know if you and you and you and you will miss me when i'm gone. I don't know if i've been of help with anything, I don't know if I were nice enough, I don't know if i've been a good friend and soulmate and everything, and i don't know if i've made an impact in your lives. Everything just means too much to me, and i don't know how to describe it to you and you and you and you....

benny. on 3:16 AM

Monday, December 19, 2005

I've just done one round of blog hopping, something i've not really done since A levels started.

I thought i should update, with some pictures taken in Genting Highlands, and then do an afterthought post.

Yeah that's what i will do, but not now cos there's pre tune-in band practice early tomorrow, and i'm meeting the juniors for breakfast!

Tomorrow! i promise. =)

benny. on 12:53 AM

Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm back from Genting Highlands (Malaysia) with MJCSB for the 21st Century International Band Competition. It's been such "a good mix of fun, laughter tears and triumph", as quoted from Fabian. Indeed, this trip to Malaysia gave me an entirely deeper understanding of the band. There's just so much to describe! I'll attempt to do a summary.

Basically, Singapore Rhapsody Mvt II and Noah's Ark rocked the Genting International Convention Centre on 7th December 2005, Thursday. The feelings were just THERE, and the delivery was an excellent one, beyond our own expectations and standards. Scores were as follows:

Singapore Rhapsody: 443/500
Noah's Ark: 453/500

Excellent! A percentage of 89.6% rightfully belonged to MJCSB. The position of top band for this competition was rightfully earned by us. But no, the post result announcement hour was one which was full of tears and unhappiness, disappointment and righteous anger. Because of a stupid technical glitch, we had to be penalised by 5% of our total percentage, the glitch being, OVER TIME. When all of us heard about it, we were shattered. After penalty, we missed the top position by 0.08%. But it wasn't announced that our marks were penalised. Girls and guys alike, broke down. There was nothing to rejoice about, except for the fact that everyone felt the same way with regards to this issue. Pure disappointment and heartache for our fellow bandmates, for Ms Sia. We did not win NOT because we played badly. That was the 2nd time in my band life, I've ever seen a whole band cry together. The first was in MBS, when we got our first Gold Medal. And the second, was here in MJCSB, when this happened... It was an overwhelming sight.

Justice kind of prevailed though. On the closing ceremony, our raw scores before deduction were re-announced, and the fact that our marks were deducted was also announced. And the organisers removed the rankings, putting in place a new award: Gold with Distinction for bands scoring 85% and above. And we proved our worth at the performance for the ceremony. Noah's Ark stormed Genting Highlands that night. It ended well. The band was yet again, a level more closely knitted together, with the desire to present our best rendition of Noah's Ark and Kaze No Mae to the rest of the participating bands.

The cocktail party ended in our favourite medley cheer and the college anthem, with pple getting very high and excited and all.

Sigh. time flies, and here i am back in Singapore already. I'm beginning to miss crossing over to kinlok's room or yosua's room to chat and crap; miss walking out into the cold and up little slopes to get a breathtaking city view together with tsz yan, paulina, xw, junyang; miss sharing a room with fabian; miss crapping and bitching with dawn and siokwei; miss sitting at Starbucks with ms sia and fellow band members drinking hot chocolate in the cold night and talking about everything under the sun.

It's been a beautiful closing chapter of my term in MJCSB. I'll never forget the past few days...

I shall post some pictures up soon. Meanwhile, i need sleep. Missed it last night.

Till again!

benny. on 9:47 PM

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