Tuesday, September 27, 2005

i miss having good results. the last time ive had a taste of getting good results, was like closing 6 years ago, in the MBS Hall, when i collected my PSLE cert. since then, i doubt ive ever seen really spectacular results already, till today, at JC2, right after the preliminary examinations.

getting good results gives you that amazing feeling of achievement, a sound that tells you that your hard work paid off, something that tells you that you're going somewhere good cos you did well. it's also something that you can be proud of, in this extremely results oriented system, where almost every parent u can find, is an elitist.

i wonder how i landed myself into such a plight, where im actually reduced to hoping for a pathetic 45 marks (for an E pass), or even 35 marks (for an AO pass) in every single test or exam. im not trying to boast or anything, but i used to be confident and everything, with people looking up to me cos im academically strong. but now, i see myself looking up to others who really feels way up above me, cos they in turn, are academically strong. i don't know, this might seem very shallow, but i just cant get over it. sigh...

-the next time you say something, think about how people feel. i'm seriously disgusted. i know that you're academically powerful. but that is no reason for y0u to act like "oh!! im so stressed cos people will be expecting gd results from me... i don't have an A!!! i only got a B!!!" kinda sickening shit. you don't have to stress to people time and again how accomplished you are academically, how you're about to be given great opportunities, or how you can do very well in exams. if you're good at studies, be proud of it. don't act in such a subtle yet insulting manner. everyone's gonna think that i'm engaging in some self pity, and i need you to act subtle so i don't end up weeping and crying cos i feel hurt or sth. PLEASE. that won't be needed. i screwed up myself, my results, that's MY problem. i don't actually need someone to take pity in me and reduce himself to some "oh i did well but i betta keep quiet so benny wont feel upset" fakeoshit. when people ask you for help in doing a certain thing, or seek reassurance from you after an examination, you BE NICE and not act like some "oh, i cant believe you're asking me that question, didn't ur bird brain tell you that the question is easy?" asshole, and give that huhwhyyoucannotdo or omgit'ssoeasybutyoucannotdo kinda face. it's SICKENING. fuck. dammit.


benny. on 10:22 PM

Saturday, September 24, 2005

How much does it take to brighten up your night?

For me, it takes a 2 hour chat with a friend whom ive not seen for a long time.

Huifen left her house keys at home, and her family was out when she came back home. So she came over to my place, since she stays near. And boy, it's been months since i last saw her. Life for both of us had been hectic, with preparations for common tests and prelims and whatnots, meeting each other at the bus stops were nothing more than hi-byes. For once, i thought i'd lost a friend who used to be really close to me. But no! im so glad we could talk about anything and everything like how we used to do.

And of course, not forgetting dearest pals Tiffany, and Leo. I've come to realise, that some people are more worth your efforts and initiatives than others.

treasure people around, treasure the right people around.

Good luck to the JC1s(esp ATP and other band juniors) for promos, and JC2s(esp AGA) for the coming A levels. =)

benny. on 10:55 PM

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Allow me to love my school(no, not mjc this time...sorry mjc. haha.) again! Found this on LEO's new blog layout, taken using his
i-think-it's-very-good-whatever phone, i think. Oh maan... just look at how the edge of the lake forms the line of symmetry between the buildings and the reflected images on the water surface. Just look at how the lake gives this huge tranquil sensation. I miss studying by the lake, with a light breeze and all. (see the concourse? the left most building that extends into the water) I know we don't have a beautiful, magnificent, extremely humongous campus like what RI and HCI has, but well, this lake is to me, a very beautiful thing. My JC life is ending really soon! and i'm still missing my secondary school days a whole lot. How true, to say that ur secondary school days will be among the most unforgettables in ur life.

Ah this is what happens when i stay at home and rot. Things start getting randomised. I just repacked my entire chemistry file from the mess that i created when studying for prelims. i fried an egg for lunch, sat down for tv, played the piano, cleared up my study table, cleaned my room, and tried everything i could. and this is the last resort. so i blogged. it's nothing blogworthy. So HELLO! to all who're reading this.

benny. on 1:48 PM

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

and it's the end of the preliminary examinations! nothing worth rejoicing, but it's one hurdle crossed. the first taste of a full A levels series of papers. hmmm, quite an experience i should say. pretty tiring.

well, im about 6 weeks from now till the actual A levels. and i'm panicking cos i know i'm not gonna perform well for my prelims. i wanted straight Cs, so i could work hard and pull myself up to an A grade in the A levels. but it seems like, it's going to be a much larger leap. i so dun wanna relive the O levels days, where i did marginally worse off than my target. argh!

anyways, i heard chung cheng high school (MAIN) is Band TWO on the honour rolls for the secondary schools, under Special/express. siggh! was on the phone with ms tan, regarding some alumni band staff, and she said the school missed Band 1 very marginally. oh well, how wasted... sigh. but she was one of the 4 schools awarded School Distinction Award, so i guess that's sth to be happy about too.

life's been mundane. so there's really nothin much to update about. maybe i'll end this post with a congratulations note to MJC... for being one of the 8 Academic Value Added Junior Colleges.

Yay! Congrats. =)

-hope xuanwei's feeling better!

benny. on 10:04 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

It's finally the last day of the preliminary examinations. Economics papers 1 and 2 were quite a disaster, as the standards of the papers were darn unexpected. sigh.

Biology paper 3 was as usual, studying only accounts for about 20/65 of the paper(ie essay). the rest was just logical deductions. UrgH~

-Biology Paper 1 (Finale!)

then again, it's only the prelims. there's still the A levels. im having this similar sickening feeling, of not wanting to write econs essays again. (just like how i didnt want to write social studies essays after prelims, just didnt wanna repeat it again.) it's sickening writing essays in an exam!

haha okay random. lookin forward to seein my band peepz after the A's. =)

peace out.

benny. on 8:19 PM

Sunday, September 18, 2005

the weekend is over! and i'm all thrown to the last few hours of sunday night, supposedly to meet my next 2 economics papers tomorrow afternoon. but i didnt touch econs at all today. nor yesterday.

well, prelims aside. i'm pretty much excited about performing with tiffany for prom. known her for like so long, but never got to feel how it's like to be her pianist for a song performance. so, we've been trying to choose songs. yes, in the middle of prelims.

had a nice chat with kinlok after work yesterday at popeye's. really nice one. so much crap!

random stuff:
joel tan wun chuan just gave me some empty anticipation thingy that aroused my curiosity, but held it in midair. wasnt fulfilled at all! sickening.

oh well,
gd luck to me for econs tmr!

benny. on 10:53 PM

Saturday, September 17, 2005

im sayin this cos i feel like saying it all of a sudden... I MISS Auntie and Gossiping Association!!

haha, don't worry. i'm not always like that. just... today.

i miss: dawn and siokwei, justin and junyang and rickson, baolun and wenqi, zhenghong and joel and fuquan, juling and peiling, eugene and mengyang...

i so can't wait for A levels to be over! although i'm only halfway thru prelims.

okay, i'm off to the airport to mug Sexual Reproduction in Mammals.

Ooooooooogenesis! Spermatogenesis!

benny. on 12:48 PM

Friday, September 16, 2005

And so, time really flies. the first week of prelims are over, and i'm about halfway thru prelims already. Hmmm, chemistry paper 2 was quite manageable i thought, except that URGH! I WAS DAMN FREAKING CARELESS. i shoulda drawn the displayed formula of that damn cyclohexene, but I DREW THE CONDENSED FORMULA!!!!!!!! it's 1 damn mark gone. sigh. just when i thought i could do a chem paper for once.

oh well.

Econs paper 3 was COOL. COOL as in cool questions, not being able to answer them is another thing altogether. I thought that the highlight, of the 3 questions i attempted, was this:

Discuss whether price rigidity is typical of product markets. [15]

Yes, that was 15 marks. oh, and i smoked my way thru the essay.

Right, i'm lookin forward to scoring for Bio paper 3 next week! and i hope econs Data Response won't be too difficult.

till then.

Economics Paper 1
Economics Paper 2
Biology Paper 1
Biology Paper 3
Chemistry Paper 1

benny. on 6:47 PM

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

It's the 3rd day of the prelim exams. I've painstakingly braved through Biology Paper 2, Math Paper 1, Chemistry Paper 3 and Math Paper 2.

Chem Paper 3 was kinda bad... sigh.

But on the brighter side of life, there's Math Paper 2 which was fine.


Chemistry Paper 2
Economics Paper 3

Lucks to all! Will catch up soon. :)

benny. on 8:37 PM

Monday, September 12, 2005

And it's on to the prelim exams. All's well for a start. Bio Paper 2 and Math Paper 1 were smooth sailing, tho maths wasnt THAT easy. Well, i'm hoping against hope to pass math. and i REALLY want that 'C' Grade and above for bio.

Anticipating: Chemistry Paper 3, Maths Paper 2

till then.

benny. on 8:05 PM

Saturday, September 10, 2005

It's been a pretty nice day, feeling a whole lot happier and more light hearted, contrary to my extremely whiny mood 2 nights back. Had chemistry consultation with Ms Choo(my chem tutor) today, and i felt really bad cos she had to live thru the afternoon on a slice of mooncake and a banana. she's so nice, cos she allowed me to share her cab for free, sending me to my grandma's. oh well, chem consultation was pretty fulfilling.

So last night we went to celebrate Zheng Hong's birthday at Genki Sushi, and i shared a table with Kin Lok, Kenny, Yosua, Zheng Yi and Zheng Hong(bdae boy) himself. Haha! cant deny that sitting with these few ATPians was a very interesting experience. they're the crappiest people you can EVER find. shall not rattle on about the details of the dinner, tho i didnt exactly like japanese food. it was really fun talking and laughing away, whilst feeling guilty about not studying cos it's 2 days away from prelims.

On the other table, were sarah, sookun, huikoon, weekiat, xuanwei and donovan. i heard they ate ALOT. haha. so, after dinner we went to take some neoprints, followed by arcade, when some of us sat around and talked our hearts out.

i swear i really wanna have another of those nights after prelims/A levels. it makes me feel slightly more appreciated, in some way.

i should get back to the structure and functions of cell organelles.

"thank you..."

benny. on 7:43 PM

Friday, September 09, 2005

Okay i've come here against the better of my judgement for a quick post because i'm feeling disappointed. year after year, day after day. ive come to realise that it's not how much you do, but rather what you do, who you are, and what people actually think of you. maybe even how you look. maybe people with disgusting side profiles are meant to be ignored. maybe i'm too noisy. maybe i should just really shut up soon enough. maybe, i'm really not worth everything i ever wanted... i feel like quoting one of my old entries. that's an exact depiction of how i feel now...

[Sometimes, you think that you have a very wide circle of friends, but ultimately, people see you as nothing more than an entertainer. a second choice. or maybe a last resort.

Sometimes you think you mean a lot to people around you. But actually, you're nothing more than someone they'll turn to when they need help, someone who'll be there when they're in trouble, someone who will never run out of jokes to and laughter and care and concern, someone who isn't worth something like a present or a surprise.

Sometimes, you yearn for friends who trust you with their innermost secrets, but because of your outgoing, noisy nature, people don't see the trustworthy side of you, and you really become a full time entertainer. a second choice. or maybe a last resort.

Sometimes when you feel tired of talking, and you keep quiet, people realise there's something wrong with you and they go "eh how come so quiet" because the "entertainer" in them has gone all quiet and they're not used to it. that's probably cos you're supposed to be the full time entertainer. a second choice. or maybe a last resort.

Sometimes, a message from a friend brightens your day up, but the next moment you realise that he didnt really mean it cos he forwarded it for the sake of forwarding it.

Sometimes you talk alot to make people laugh, out of the best of intentions. but when it gets slightly overboard, people see you as the main culprit.]

It's almost stupid to feel this way just days before the preliminary examinations. because it takes me more than the prelims last to get over it. only to realise that hopes don't actually materialise.


So i heard Maha Bodhi School Concert Band is launching her 10th Anniversary CD on the 11th of November 2005 and there'll be a concert in school. Well, my sister and i were invited to perform, and also to receive the complimentary copy of the CD... but very sadly, my General Paper(paper) for the A LEVEL EXAMINATION falls on that day. I do hope i'll be able to fork out a couple of hours to go back to mbs and perform though. how i miss those days... i think i will. my next paper is Economics on the 15th of November.

all the best for prelims and promos.


benny. on 1:19 AM

Saturday, September 03, 2005

just came back from cchs(m), the alumni band tryout. well, turned out quite okay. sigh, although i shld really be at home studyin for prelims. heh. but i decided to post some random, outdated pictures.

5th May 2005 - The Day of MJCSB's Maiden Glory
Me and Zheng hong at the porch awaiting the bus' arrival.
xuanwei, siok, junyang, dawn, wenqi, me. before SYF in the general office. NERVOUS.
Joel and I, back at home(band room)...Weekiat and I back at band room after SYF
Me and Huikoon at band room after SYF (this pic quite screwed up)
Rickson and I back at the band room after SYF... Me and Rickson and Cheryl and Junyang... =)
Trumpet Section @ Airport celebrating
My everything in these 2 years of JC life. A Levels aside.

"Some days are meant to be remembered....

Those days, we rise above the stars...."

I really really really really can't wait for the Genting Trip! =) Shall study really hard for now!

Peace out.

benny. on 6:27 PM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

and so i realised many of my friends went back to their secondary schools for the teacher's day celebrations. come to think of it, i should have woken up earlier and made an effort to go back to cchs. sigh. when i woke up this mornin it was already closing 11... like obviously the celebrations would have already ended by the time i get to school. and all the teachers would prob be somewhere else enjoying high tea already. i felt ALL guilty so i called up mdm yeo (yang lao shi), ms lam and ms tan sek jiau to wish them a happy teacher's day.

Yang lao shi's retiring next january!!! Oh my goodness, i feel even worse now for not even going back for her last teacher's day in cchs. well she's been really stressed out these years cos she's been assigned higher chinese o level classes year after year, and i guess it's really time for her to step down and get some rest already. yang lao shi: "yi1 ri4 wei2 shi1, zhong1 sheng1 wei2 mu3!"

i was just wondering if people will get their deserved retributions for stubbornly making wrong choices in their lives, despite the constant advice from people who really REALLY care(d) for them. well, i guess so. it kinda just happened. don't really know how to feel about it.

To my teachers in CCHS(M): Mr Gan, Mdm Tan, Mdm Yeo, Mrs Lim-Leong, Ms Lam, Ms Tan SJ--thanks for everything! i'll never forget those days. HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!

To tutors in MJC: Ms Soh, Ms Choo, Mrs Chong, Ms Wong ML--you've all been really worried about our A levels, and working very very hard for us. So, here's a HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY to you! We'll do it for A levels. =)

i should get less whiny and down to really(really) studying for my prelims and A levels. im so not about to screw up my life again...

p.s. check out the new mouseovers of the links! i was bored. so i decided to play around.

benny. on 1:30 AM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>