Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Here's an open announcement to all Sec 4,3 and even 2 juniors out there who actually read this.

Meridian Junior College Learning Agora cum
Annual College Open House
15th October 2004, Friday
12 p.m.

Come on down for a day of events to tell you more about Junior College education, and about life in MJC!

Common bus services: 81, 39, 358, 53 etc. Nearest MRT Station: Pasir Ris

For more information, go to http://www.mjc.moe.edu.sg

benny. on 7:01 PM

Sunday, September 26, 2004
Ah.... finally.

yeah i think i wanna thank the coffee sisters for trying so hard to cheer me up and make me relax outta all these. thanks so much kha n princess! im so glad im remembered by the 2 of u still... haha in the midst of all those council stuff u gals haf to handle. shall we haf another afternoon? juz the 3 of us... after sch, lunch... out at whitesands supermarket, shopping for candies and drinks again? juz like the last time during 1st 3 months... sigh. i so miss those days!!!

and thanks to clara jie too... yeah guess my stress level shld be nothing compared to urs since yours is like.. so near to A levels. yah we shall go to the beach. juz the 2 of us... and we'll catch up on our good old times! guess that'll be after your A levels... i so dun wanna lose contact with u... miss u so much cos its been like weeks since i last saw u ard in college. yeah. take care man take care sista!

and yixiang and tiffany and fathiah...

Im getting back on track, with all the determination and "feel" of studying, i should do averagely enough for me to promote to Yr 2. yes. thanks for all those who were with me when i was panicking... =)


anyway i had lunch with tiff, luther, junjie, fathiah and gerald at Downtown East. hahahaha. i feel sooooooo fortunate cos its the first time ive got my friday common lunch free ever since 1st 3 months was over. well it was kinda fun crappin ard w them haha so i guess i'll look forward to going for more lunches w them... yup. so i shall stop here and get back to my chemistry file.

peace out =]

benny. on 4:35 PM

Saturday, September 25, 2004


who on earth f*ckin made up so many theories and all that shit to learn when i dun even see the need in the near future?!?! talk about selective learning at JC level. all that shit about allowing us to choose wad we like to learn. but why the freakin hell did they make it compulsory for science students to take mathematics?! i dun do binomial expansions and use general solutions if i wanna teach bio in future right?!

damn. wadever. im gone. gone. im a gone case. im gonna get retained. or even kicked outta sch. or expelled or sth.


juz do wad i can now. oh f*ck.

*sorry for the elegant words. im really not in the mood.

benny. on 7:27 PM

Friday, September 24, 2004

AHHHHHHH i juz shouted at my dad...

"why do u always hang up our call and not answer when i call you? you very much do not want us to call u isit? den wads the use of a handphone?"



k wadeva. you'll never take my reasons in any case cos they're juz pure "EXCUSES" to you.

peace out. this world juz stinks.

benny. on 11:19 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Promos... here i come.

I just looked at cuiyin's blog and realised i should not be here at all, at this time of the day, in the middle of the week which happens to be the 2nd last week just before the damned promotional exams hit me real hard.

Its... let me see... 11.14 am now on a normal wednesday. Just because my General Paper tutor was absent we were asked to do some self revision anywhere in this campus. keywords: self revision But here i am enjoying the comfort of our college library, and doing something so un-revisionly such as blogging. sigh...

Potential.What a strong word, yet not real at all. It's just a possibility, not reality. It's just really like everyone has this potential to do really great things like aceing all his subjects at A levels or sth... but what matters is actually how much work u put in to nurture this potential. Take a good look around me now, and i find almost everyone with their lecture notes and filed tutorials , burying their heads into Dihydroxyacetones or 5-Bromo-1Chloro-3-Methyl-1,5-Heptadienes, or Demand and Supply Analysis, or Binomial Expansion Theorems. Me? bounded to the computer & and its not like i can recite the entire trigonometrical basic formula sheet to anyone now...

Promos. just merely a week away.

Everyone's been saying how good my results are and how i'll be able to promote with S papers and all that shit. but i just know it myself. promoting could be a terrible problem even. economics concepts didnt make sense anymore, at least didnt make as much sense as before. Bio questions look like they were written in greek. Maths? turns me off from head to toe. Chemistry [huh?!] ... yeah so there goes. Oh man someone help me......

I knew it. someone's gonna say i shoulda started studying earlier. but it's always like that. seriously, going home at 7 or 8 o clock close to everyday doesn't give you an incentive to start studying. for a start, tutorials pile up irregardless of your mood, and the pile up inpropotionately to your amount of time left to do them. in other words, they simply don't care. excuses excuses yeah yeah i know.... right fine. its just me. and me alone. no college to blame, no tutors to blame.

Procrastination. it must be you. okay i shall bury my head into Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns right after school today and devote my 2 weeks of life fully to studying for promos. who gives a damn about tutorials and all that crap. i'm going for the following grades:

1)Biology: A
2)Economics: B
3)Chemistry: C
4)Mathematics: D
5)General Paper: B4

Not a very difficult target since here's where im standing right now:
Biology B, Economics D, Chemistry E, Mathematics AO, General Paper C5.

Yup. this shall be it. off i go out of this project room.
till the next time, i wonder when?

yeah. lucks to all having promos too. and to my ex-cchs seniors, good luck for A levels.

benny. on 11:29 AM

Saturday, September 18, 2004
The world's so small...

Well today after that SCAS opening ceremony thing where i saw PM Lee! Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports and Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry! and Rear Admiral Teo Chee Hean, Minister for Defence, i stayed to mug a lil while with baolun, dawn, siok, wenqi and cherri.

Then went to parkway and met up with xiufeng. I so miss her... didnt see her for quite some time and yeah. quite alot to catch up. Got to know many things bout her life this yr, and all her troubles. Yeah... hope we can meet up again anytime soon.

Went to BK to mug again and then met Lianwei... whom again i didnt see for a relatively long time. well, hope he's doing fine... but yeah won't be doing anywhere badly though.


S|gh. seriously not in the mood to blog. will be back to check.


benny. on 6:28 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Touched. Happy.

You dun need big big things, nor alot of money, nor a big big present, nor the biggest house and wealth in the world to make you feel happy... It's the little things from day to day that could bring us happiness...

To be frank, i just came back from lunch after school. Was at the Tampines MRT Station when i spotted 2 Sec 2 juniors walking towards me. Their faces were so unfamiliar, and i definitely have not seen them around before. Sec 2s afterall. And they walked past me, but before that, they stopped to say "Hello Senior!!" and i was so dumbstruck. Surprised. and the next feeling was [Happiness] then [touched]... And so i smiled and asked "Sec wad ?" "2...", they said. And i was certain they weren't from the band cos i shlda known all the sec 2 members from the band by now... And i remained excited, happy, touched, elated! throughout the entire journey home. And now i can't wait to blog it... and so here i am before showering, still smelling like salted fish in this uniform.

Sweet eh? It's these things that can send a smile to your face. It's these things that touch your heart like nothing else do. It's these things that make me feel that i am somebody.


I love the school and will always love it for the rest of my life...

For many days of this year, ive not had this special feeling. I finally had it today. *HappY*

In conjunction, i would like to congratulate two pple:

--Tiffany for finishing her Grade 6 piano exam (Tiff you can get a Distinction surely.)
--Yixiang for topping Geography grades in the entire geog fac in our college.

Yeah. gtg mug for tml's Ionic Equilibrium Test...


benny. on 4:33 PM

Monday, September 13, 2004

Ok... this entry is gonna be real short.

1) Talked to Wee Kiat some days back online and got to know him like a step better... sIgh. there could actually be someone who has similar family situations as me... **KIV (Will share mah feelings some day when im free)

2) Went to mug for two days with Tiffany and Luthfi at parkway...! Most productive 2 days i guess. The one with leo was whole day of unproductivity...

3) The MJCSB Welfare Committee is formally set up! Photography, Notice boards and Home Project on the way!!! Sigh. *sTreSs*

4) The MJCSB Music Committee is officiated! SC: Weejuay, ASC: Benny Ng... Trumpet SLs selected! SL: Justin, ASL: Me! >_<~ haha...

5) Went to The Treasury today for a focus group discussion on Making Choices... ah crap. loada propaganda... but that facilitator quite funny though. he was like lost for words when we debated with him... RJC, MJC, NJC, MI power... cool eh?! JC students rock.

Yah k tonite's not the nite for bloggin cos im rushing to sleep. TAF (shit...) tomorrow.

yup peace out and study hard for...

a)Wendy Mei: STREAMING.
c)All other friends in JC: PROMOS

yeap. cya~!

benny. on 10:50 PM

Thursday, September 09, 2004
Friend or foe.

Forgiving an enemy is easier than forgiving a friend...

How true that is... i just saw this on one of my good friend's MSN nick and thought i'd blog on it since its rare these days that i get strong feelings bout sth. Seriously, it sux knowing that your friend has done something to betray you totally, or even fall out with you for something that you thought was extremely trivial, or something that you juz did cos you thought he was able to take it.

I dunnoe, but there'll be two sides of an argument here bout this issue. When you're betrayed by ur friend, you'll feel really really upset and the only thought that flashes in your mind is that your friendship with him ends here. He tries to explain things to you, that he didnt want to do it, he was forced by circumstances, he was this, he was that, and kept saying that he was sorry and extremely remorseful. He tried time and again to show you that he cares as a friend, but your hatred and anger still won't budge even at the moment when he's placing a blade at his wrist. He has his tears dried, was at his wit's end with regards to saving the friendship, had his heart dieing of remorse, but still he has lost you as a friend.

On the other hand, it's really very difficult to forgive your friend for doing something gravely wrong to have incurred your wrath, to have disappointed you totally, to have overpowered all those feelings of friendship. But we wonder why, that since we are friends, we should forgive and forget much easier since friends do not bear grudges. The thing is, subconsciously, at least i believe so, that a friend, is the last person you would ever think of who would do something like that to hurt you to such depths. You expected a lot from him, you thought he understood you only too well to do somethin like that. You're in total disappointment and heartache, and everything else matters no more cos your best friend just did sth to hurt you. Deep down inside you wanna forgive him but face it, its juz deep down inside... Nothing from that inside all the way to your phenotypical traits want you to be friends with him again cos you know, that there will be an irremovable barrier, from then on, and from there on.

Well it's just like that... friends, part and parcel of your lives, but how each and everyone of us perform the role of friends is a very important part of maintaining friendships.

Here's another quote i saw from another friend's MSN nick...

Forgiveness, is me giving my right to hurt you for hurting me...

How true this is again huh... Well...
Check bag.


benny. on 10:55 PM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Lol. look at this picture... so lame huh. but anyways yah think its kinda true in MJC... complain and *KaBOoM* ~~~!!! Posted by Hello

benny. on 4:26 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Pain. Pain. Pain.

Ok. Tuesday of this week gone just like that. Was considerably productive cos i did study 2 chapters out of 13 for chemistry... 3 cheers!

Well yeah juz read tiffany's blog n saw that poem she wrote. I feel lousy again. It seems to me that everyone's good at at least something... but i'm not! Leo's good at singing... Tiffany's good at singing & language... Lianwei's good at Tuba... Yixiang's good at piano & maths... Huifen's good at maths... What am i good at?! I'll try writing a poem and get laughed at the very next day, try writing a song and the song probably gets rejected even by myself...

Emptiness, the feeling,
my heart will hold.
Like a pail without water,
a house without a soul.

This is a poem writing of my pain,
a person living this life of shame.

I'm your son hiding my depression,
your brother making a good impression.

I'm your friend looking like i'm fine,
but a wisher wishing life now weren't mine.

I am a boy who wants to fly,
a teenager pushing tears aside.

I'm a student who doesn't have a clue,
your good friend who will sit next to you.

I'm the one asking you to care,
your best friend hoping you'll be there....

S|gh. Who's gonna be there for me?...

benny. on 11:26 PM

Monday, September 06, 2004

Ok... today was a crap day cos i had to go to sch on a holiday monday first for maths tutorial and then band practice. Well. but had quite alota fun though, doing the concert publicity banners with a few pple in the band room... Well i dun really have thoughts these days to enter into mah blog cos of the mind boggling A level subject content...

See i shoulda been muggin books now at my desk. but here i am staring into this Liquid Crystal Display thing. well....

Countdown to Promotional Exams: 27 Days (General Paper)

benny. on 9:47 PM

Band room doing the concert publicity banners... Joel President--Eugene Secretary--Me Welfare Officer!! Ha~~ Posted by Hello

benny. on 9:42 PM

Me and fuquan in the band room today... =) Posted by Hello

benny. on 9:41 PM

The Meridian Junior College Symphonic Band Executive Committee 2004-2005!  Posted by Hello

benny. on 9:41 PM

The really disgusting well unliked design... Posted by Hello

benny. on 9:40 PM

Concept 2 of the same design... Posted by Hello

benny. on 9:40 PM

ok MJC's new logo... i dun think its very nice. but heard they're changin the colour to silver.. and the MJC to Meridian Junior College. quite cute actually... Posted by Hello

benny. on 9:39 PM

......???...... Posted by Hello

benny. on 12:31 AM

We had so much fun after watching Thirteen Going on Thirty...=D Posted by Hello

benny. on 12:30 AM

Met Leo on the way too.... bleah lamer. Posted by Hello

benny. on 12:30 AM

Teacher's Day Eve after going back to CCHS... went Suntec with Xuezhen, Huifen and Tiffany! Haha fun fun fun... miss them so much. Posted by Hello

benny. on 12:29 AM


I need a windy place, a tranquil place. I need a friend.

Yes i need a friend, with me, at the seaside. I need to talk, scream, shout, cry, jump.......


benny. on 12:16 AM

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Today was a terrible day for a start... sigh. I was scolded during band prac when i didnt even talk!

Am i even fit to be a leader? I feel so useless now... so... empty inside. its like a bucket without water... you try to feel somethin but that somethin's juz not there. I feel so helpless inside out. I feel helpless everyday. I can do nothing when the band spirit is actually going downhill. I can propose nothing to help in the improvement of the band. It juz sux. Im not good in music, not good in studies, fat, ugly and what have you. argh. shitified. Desperate. Sad. Depressed.

Wendy mei has been feeling really low lately. Cos of CCHS Band stuff... I tried to talk her out based alot on my experience in the band but apparently, as she described, its the mentality of the band members now that are changing. I feel so useless again. Like what can i do to help? Time and again i tell the juniors to tap on alumni resources when they see problems, but here they are and im at a lost as to how to give what advice. i feel so crapped up.. ARGH. Sigh. I need to talk... i need someone badly to talk to...

She's attached.

She's busy with friends.

He's juz got scolded by his daddy.

Like who else can i talk to?

**Period of Low Self Esteem*

Life is so screwed up. I failed my chem test like AGAIN. and there's a maths test on applications of differentiation and integration this saturday. And im not in the least prepared for it. And ive got a GP comprehension to do. And 2 econs essays to do. and Promos is in a month. and a whole load of econs revision package exercises to complete. and college open house and band tune in. and sectionals and end year band concert Juxtapose! and SYF next year. ARRRHHH.

I juz need. a break.

Who's going to give me one?

benny. on 9:39 PM

<bgsound src="http://www.geocities.com/bennyngsw1987/nanerdangziqiang.wma" loop=infinite>